Items Plus Ascended + Cluster Transfer System

Paid Items Plus Ascended + Cluster Transfer System 1.35

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Note: unloading/loading the plugin or reloading config changes are not supported for the upload system or weight system.
Plugin must be installed and updated while server is offline while using the above settings.

Items+ now has a custom integrated Character Cluster Transfer System! - NOT COMPATIBLE WITH -UseStore SAVE FORMAT
Server Cluster Transfer System (does not use any ARK functions so no concerns about single player additions to your cluster)
You can leave most ARK transfer and ARK Data settings disabled it doesn't use them.
Ascension after killing bosses does require ARK's Survivor upload/download settings be enabled (this allows for item uploads)
Map travel is seamless and fast. Support for containerized hosting environments running windows.
This also forces players be in the same tribe on each map. Leaving a tribe on one map will cause them to lose access to structures/dinos on other maps.

* Install the mod - <>
UI is built into the Item+ Companion Mod thanks to @pelayori
Transfer option will appear on Obelisks, Transmitters and Supply Drops

* The following config.json settings are required for the Character Transfer System to be active.
Mysql - "UseMysql": true
ServerTransfers - "Enabled": true (Handles Character Transfers)
ItemUploadsAndOverflowProtection - "Enabled": true (Handles Item Transfers)
ItemUploadsAndOverflowProtection - "UploadAll": true,
ItemUploadsAndOverflowProtection - "UploadAllIncludesEquipped": true,

* Server launch parameters that are needed - Configuration is automatic besides these
-ServerIP= external IP players use to connect to the server (required)
-clusterid= should be the same value for each sever you want to have transfers enabled for (required)
-SaveFolder="" path to the map save folder. Only needed if the plugin is unable to determine the correct save path (optional)
-ServerRegion=xxx adds region filtering for Items+ Transfer UI (xxx can be USA, EU or whatever you want etc.)
* Example Command Lines (This is only demonstrating things for the plugin not an exhaustive list for server hosting)
* Standard map
AsaApiLoader.exe TheIsland_WP?listen?Port=7780 -mods="950421" -ServerIP=x.x.x.x -clusterid=ClusterID123

* Mod map using optional `-SaveFolder=`
AsaApiLoader.exe Svartalfheim_WP?listen?Port=7780 -mods="942355,950421" -ServerIP=x.x.x.x -clusterid=ClusterID123

Cluster Transfer System
Reduce default item weight and/or individual item weight by a percentage (Item weight will not change but the weight on your character/dino weight stat will reflect the adjusted weight)
Set Blueprints to have limited uses that destroys the BP when the last use is used.
  • General Limit
  • Limits by Quality of the BP
  • Change Tek limits higher/lower
  • Remove limits on Tek
Block Items, Engrams or Blueprints from being visible or used by players in inventory or crafting benches.
Upload restricted items like Element, Shards, Trophies and Tribute Items (configurable) (MySQL required)
Updated Item Stat Caps for all items not just crafted. They should be 100% accurate now after crafting the item or spawning them.
* Crafting bonus does not exceed the cap set
Shoulder Pet Saver
Ignore List added to block some items from being uploaded.
Downloaded items will be temporarily stored until the player uploads new items or transfers servers.
Transfer Spawn Immunity Option - After server transfer and during the download delay time player cannot move and cannot be damaged
Ignore Spoiling Items Option
Notify Players if they have items left in the upload system.
Upload/Download system has been completely rewritten. (supports full inventory uploads)
Updated weight system (should be faster and more reliable)
Armor and Weapon Durability options to reduce the speed at which durability is removed
Armor, Weapon Damage, Durability can be increased by a percentage for Armor, Weapons or Saddles if they use that particular stat
Armor, Weapon Damage, Durability can be capped globally or by item

Death Saver
  • Save player items when they die and automatically return them when they respawn.
  • Items are not uploaded to the database and the player must respawn after dying to get their items.
  • Ability to save all items in the players inventory along with Equipped Armor and Hotbar items
  • Ability to save armor equipped on the player
  • Ability to save items from the Hotbar slots
  • Ability to allow the feature to only work if a player has a permission.
  • Players without this permission will need to retrieve their items the normal way.

ARK Data / Upload Permissions
Prevent items being uploaded to ARK Data and block player transfers when holding the items
Permission system added to allow two different bypasses on this feature
First allows bypassing specific items you specify
Second allows bypassing all restrictions (works like the Admin permission without giving out Admin)

RCON/Console Command:
  • ItemsPlusAscended.Reset <eos_id> - This will reset item uploads for the player allowing them to download them again to assist with crash rollbacks.
  • ItemsPlusAscended.Reload - This allows you to make config.json changes and load in the changes you made without restarting the server.

RCON Commands
  • ItemsPlusAscended.RecoverCharacter <id> - Recover the character from itemsplusascended_logging with the matching id
  • ItemsPlusAscended.RecoverItems <id1> <id2> - Recover items from itemsplusascended_logging between two id values

Items+ Companion Mod Support (optional) - <>
The mod adds the ability to transfer without the need to use the /upload command.
Adds the ability for the mod to reflect weight changes on items in game now.
Required to use the Cluster Transfer System

When you open a tribute inventory (obelisk/transmitter/etc) You will get a message if carrying items that are not allowed to be transferred
and instruct you to use the /upload command. This command will upload all items matching the list below. The /upload command is active for 60 seconds after opening the tribute inventory. This is a measure to prevent abuse and uploading all over the map at will. Once you complete the transfer to a new server the items will automatically be added back to your inventory.

Upload Features
  • Upload items before transferring servers for any normally non-transferable item. (Element/Artifacts/Etc)
  • Ability to expire uploaded items after X minutes (0 disables this feature)
  • Ability to control how long the upload command will be active (in seconds)
  • Crash Dupe Protection for uploaded items.
  • Items uploaded must be downloaded from a different server than where they were uploaded from. (configurable)
  • Full Item logging to MySQL/MariaDB and Partial Logging to Discord
  • Full Character and Item restoration available when using the Database Logging feature

Chat Commands
  • /upload - Manually triggers an upload of items (Companion mod will auto upload without a command needed)
  • /download - Manually triggers a download of items
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 12 ratings

More resources from Lethal

Latest updates

  1. 1.35

  2. 1.32 Beta 3

    Items Plus Ascended v1.32 Beta 3 Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files...
  3. 1.32 Beta 2

    Items Plus Ascended v1.32 Beta 2 Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files...

Latest reviews

Love this plugin, its easy and straightforward, adds great value to the game. Lethal is a great dev, quick response and never treats you with inpatience. Really love this most for its death recovery.
This plugin has been an amazing addition to our cluster with the ability to have a death recovery system right through to the transfer system. Not having to use WC transfer system is brill and the fact this plugin creates backups when you transfer is amazing. Thank you for an amazing plugin!!!!
Another great Plugin
Amazing all rounder plugin.
Limiting bp crafts and item specific stats is a big bonus for pvp, with items plus having the ability to take over cluster travel you can now seamlessly setup cross travel between 2 machines with no issues. (Even if the machines are in different countries). Items plus has been one of my top use and go to plugins with ASE and ASA because of the many features it provides like being able to handle item weights. (NO MORE STACK MOD).
If you want to avoid all the configuration for item transfer and have a save cloud configurable with MySql. This is the plug-in to get. Tributes/Elements and more auto transfer with a single command! /Upload. Fully configurable if you would like to keep the vanilla transfer like it is but keep the DB upload. Also have the option to link via discord all transfers and map with Webhooks. Death Saver also interact with Lethal Protection if you want to restrict it with the PVP/Raid Cooldown which is a great feature. You can also mange BP Quality and other stuff. Also there was a cluster transfer feature before the real transfer but till think that was a good way to transfer between map when its wasn’t available back in the day.
Great plugin.
This Plugin is a MUST HAVE for any server. It offers tons of customization options for items, a transfer system, weight control, admin item recovery, death item recovery, and even recovery for items normally lost on Ascension. If you don't have this Plugin you should.
A great plugin. It works stably, there are no problems. You can set up full automation, which makes the gameplay comfortable. Extensive customization options.
Using it forget to use lot of mods. Very fast and safe transfer. Very usefull to recover player data
This plugin has allowed me to remove a few mods which makes it easier on the console players. It works like it should an the mod that pairs with it makes it even better. As a new user to plugins it's sometimes hard to understand how to set this stuff up and I'd say that even with the comment json config I still needed a lot of help from Lethal which he has been there every step of the way and I appreciate that very much.