Anti PVE Griefing

Free Anti PVE Griefing 2.2

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  • Allows you to disable the viewing of the inventory of dead bodies and bags by players and dinos of another tribe.
  • Allows you to disable the ability to turn on and off other tribe's structures (generators, fabricators, etc.).
  • Allows you to disable the ability to mate dinos of one tribe with dinos of another tribe.
  • Allows you to disable the dragging of other players.
  • Allows you to disable the ability to pick up dropped items and fertilized eggs dropped by other players
  • Allows you to destroy decayed dinos (instead unclaim). Players will no longer be able to claim dinos, which must be destroyed.
  • You can set ignore for Admins or for unlocked/PIN-coded structures in config.
  • You can unlock specific structures and prevent them from being locked.
  • Allows you to prevent players from picking up other players' fertilized eggs or items.
  • Allows you to automatically delete fertilized eggs dropped by players in the open world (e.g., wyvern eggs, to prevent their spawn from being blocked).

Support and QA:

I would be grateful if you decide to support my work. You can find a link for this in my Discord.
If you have any questions or need support, you can always write to me in discord:


  "AdminsIgnoreProtect": true, // Enable this so that administrators can ignore the options upper
  "DestroyDecayedDinos": true, // Allows you to destroy decayed dinos (instead unclaim). Players will no longer be able to claim dinos, which must be destroyed. This feature will not work if you set DisableDinoDecayPvE=True in GameUserSettings.ini
  "OfflinePlayersProtect": {
    "Enable": true, // Enable or disable offline players protect
    "DeactivateAfterLoginInSeconds": 5 // The time during which offline protection will be active after player logging into the server
  "DinoMating": {
    "DisableDinoMating": true, // Allows you to disable the ability to mate dinos of one tribe with dinos of another tribe
    "AllowAlliesDinoMating": false // If enabled, the alliance will ignore the setting above
  "StructureTurnOnOff": {
    "DisableStructureTurnOnOff": true, // Allows you to disable the ability to turn on and off other tribe's structures (generators, fabricators, etc.)
    "AllowAlliesStructureTurnOnOff": false, // If enabled, the alliance will ignore the setting above
    "AllowUnlokedStructureTurnOnOff": false // If enabled, this will allow players to turn unlocked structures on or off
  "InventoriesView": {
    "DisableOtherInventoriesView": true, // Allows you to disable the viewing of the inventory of dead bodies and bags by players of another tribe
    "IgnoreStructuresWithPIN": true, // Enable this so that restrictions do not apply to structures with a PIN code
    "IgnoreUnlockStructures": true, // Enable this so that restrictions do not apply to unlocked structures
    "AllowAlliesInventoriesView": false, // If enabled, the alliance will ignore the setting above
    "StructuresSettings": {
      "Blueprint'/Game/ScorchedEarth/Structures/OilPump/OilPump.OilPump'": { // Structure Blueprint. WARNING: NOT ITEM!!!!
            "UnlockOnPlacement": true, // If enabled, it will unlock the inventory of the structure to everyone when it is placed.
            "SupportLocking": false, // If you set it false, it will prevent the structure from being locked.
            "CheckUnlockStateAfterRestart": true // If enabled, the structure will always unlock with the server restart, even if the player locked it
        "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Structures/BuildingBases/TreeSapTap_SM.TreeSapTap_SM'": {
            "UnlockOnPlacement": true,
            "SupportLocking": false,
            "CheckUnlockStateAfterRestart": true
  "GrabOtherPlayers": {
    "DisableGrabOtherPlayers": true, // Allows you to disable the dragging of other players
    "AllowGrabAlliesPlayers": false // If enabled, the alliance will ignore the setting above
  "Carry": {
    "DisableOtherCharactersCarry": true, // Allows you to disable carrying of other players and tamed dinos
    "AllowAlliesCarry": false // If enabled, the alliance will ignore the setting above
  "ItemPickup": {
    "DisableItemPickup": true, // If enabled, it will disallow players from other tribes to pick up dropped items (does not apply to fertilized eggs)
    "DisableFertilizedEggPickup": true, // If enabled, it will disallow players from other tribes to pick up fertilized eggs (does not apply to dropped items)
    "AllowAlliesItemPickup": false, // If enabled, the alliance will be able to pick up dropped items
    "AllowAlliesFertilizedEggPickup": false // If enabled, the alliance will be able to pick up fertilized eggs
  "EggsSettings": {
    "AutoDestroyFertilizedEggs": true, // If enabled, it will automatically destroy dropped dinosaur eggs (e.g., when players drop wyvern eggs somewhere in the open world). It will not destroy eggs in nests and eggs laid by dinos. This setting only affects eggs dropped by players.
    "AutoDestroyFertilizedEggsDelayInSeconds": 30, // Delay in seconds. This is the time after which the egg will be destroyed after the player drops it.
    "DinoEggsForAutoDestroy": [ // List of dinos whose eggs need to be destroyed (this setting works with both vanilla wyverns and mod wyverns).
    "StructuresForPreventingEggDestruction": [ // List of structures near which the egg will not be destroyed. If the egg is lying near any structure from the list, it will not be destroyed. You need the Blueprint of the structure, not the item. You can get it using the command "cheat GetTargetBP" while looking at the desired structure.
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Reactions: stevie_senpai
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 2 ratings

Latest updates

  1. v2.2

    What`s new: The parameter name in config.json has been fixed - CheckUnlockStateAfterRestart...
  2. 2.1

    What`s new: Fixed the plugin name issue. Fixed the bug where tamed dinos started getting...
  3. v2.01

    - Fixed an issue with launching on virtual machines.

Latest reviews

an essential plugin to prevent player drowning and stuff theft
Just one portion of this anti-griefing plugin, disallowing dragging of sleeping survivors, is well worth the installation of this excellent resource. We have an open, trusting PVE server, and had just one annoying player start drowning and stealing other people's equipment. With this plugin, players can no longer mess with other players' bodies, loot, or equipment. NICE!