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Anti Pve Griefing
Stop PVE players from being griefed in different ways.
Plugin features:
- Prevent players from accessing enemy death item caches, enemy tamed dinos, etc. Can allow unlocked structures to be accessible.
- Prevent players from being carried/dragged. Useful for preventing death by drowning.
- Prevent other tribes from picking up items which haven't been dropped by someone on the same tribe.
- Glitch fix: Prevent mating with dinos from different tribes, when these are set to wandering enabled
- Prevent players from dying when offline (Even not drowning!)
- Add a grace period after players login in which they are invincible
- Option to prevent cloning enemy dinos
- apg.reload - Reloads the config file
Config file explained:
[CODE lang="json" title="Config"]{
"AdminIgnoreProtections": true, // If true admins will bypass all protections
"PreventionOptions": {
"PlayerDamage": {
"PreventAnyDamageToOfflinePlayers": true, // If true offline players won't be damaged by anything
"GraceSecondsOfInvincibilityAfterLogin": 30 // Seconds after a player logins in which he will be invincible. -1 disables this feature.
"InventoryAccess": { // For accessing death item caches, dino inventories, etc.
"PreventAccessForEnemies": true, // If true anyone from outside player/dino tribe won't be able to open the inventory
"AllowAccessToUnlockedContainers": true, // If true anyone will be able to access unlocked inventories, regardless of the config above
"AllowInteractionsBetweenAllies": false // If true allies will bypass the restrictions too
"PlayerCarrying": {
"PreventCarryingByEnemies": false, // If true player's won't be able to be dragged/carried. Useful for preventing drowning.
"AllowInteractionsBetweenAllies": true // If true allies will bypass the restrictions too. In this case this will also allow allies to ride as passengers in allied dinos
"ItemPickup": {
"PreventItemPickup": false, // If true only the tribe who dropped the item will be able to pick it up
"AllowInteractionsBetweenAllies": true // If true allies will bypass the restrictions too
"PatchWanderingDinoMating": true, // If true dinos from different tribes won't be allowed to mate while on wandering. This is considered an exploit and should be left as true.
"PatchCloningEnemyDinos": true // If true, cloning chamber won't allow cloning dinos of another tribe, unless it's from the player's tribe.
"AdminIgnoreProtections": true, // If true admins will bypass all protections
"PreventionOptions": {
"PlayerDamage": {
"PreventAnyDamageToOfflinePlayers": true, // If true offline players won't be damaged by anything
"GraceSecondsOfInvincibilityAfterLogin": 30 // Seconds after a player logins in which he will be invincible. -1 disables this feature.
"InventoryAccess": { // For accessing death item caches, dino inventories, etc.
"PreventAccessForEnemies": true, // If true anyone from outside player/dino tribe won't be able to open the inventory
"AllowAccessToUnlockedContainers": true, // If true anyone will be able to access unlocked inventories, regardless of the config above
"AllowInteractionsBetweenAllies": false // If true allies will bypass the restrictions too
"PlayerCarrying": {
"PreventCarryingByEnemies": false, // If true player's won't be able to be dragged/carried. Useful for preventing drowning.
"AllowInteractionsBetweenAllies": true // If true allies will bypass the restrictions too. In this case this will also allow allies to ride as passengers in allied dinos
"ItemPickup": {
"PreventItemPickup": false, // If true only the tribe who dropped the item will be able to pick it up
"AllowInteractionsBetweenAllies": true // If true allies will bypass the restrictions too
"PatchWanderingDinoMating": true, // If true dinos from different tribes won't be allowed to mate while on wandering. This is considered an exploit and should be left as true.
"PatchCloningEnemyDinos": true // If true, cloning chamber won't allow cloning dinos of another tribe, unless it's from the player's tribe.
Common issues:
- Q: I am getting error 126 when loading the plugin
- A: You need the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2019 as I compile my plugins with latest Visual Studio 2019.
I am always looking for new plugin ideas, and also I do custom jobs. Send me a direct message on discord to talk with me of any matter