ARK:SA ServerAPI Plugin that support internal Discord bot and Link In-game with Database
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Source code
As soon as I am comfortable with my coding I will release it to the public
ARK:SA ServerAPI Plugin that support internal Discord bot and Link In-game with Database
- ServerAPI Download/Install
- Ofcourse the ARK:SA Server
- Bot Creation
- Discord Channel Integration WebHook
- User-defined Slash command In-game
- User-defined Slash command Discord
- Discord Webhook (For sending message info)
- Discord Bot (For reading slash commands)
- MySQL and SQLite support
- No third party apps needed
- Token Generation
- Can be use to register players
- Rest API
- Optimization of fetching slash commands
- Permission integration
- Console Log (No Message received) Doesn't affect anything - Still waiting for ServerAPI update
Feel free to join my Discord server ArkTools
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Source code
As soon as I am comfortable with my coding I will release it to the public