ASA: Server API

Official ASA: Server API 1.17

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  • PDB files for plugins and API are now moved to Win64 folder to improve crashlog comprehension
  • Fixed config section for deleting old logs in the API not being read
  • Added new HTTP request functions for developers that allow specifying the timeout time on the requests
  • Updated some headers for aberration update
  • Included .lib file for developers, to ease the building of plugins against the current live API version
  • Included 2 new dlls in the API release, to be placed in Win64 folder. These are OpenSSL dlls, to allow a transition to newer versions of MySQL and MariaDB in plugins, mainly. This is also useful for any other dev that wants to make a plugin requiring SSL
  • Changed messages when cache is not found, to reflect that it is not ready yet.
  • Added new HTTP request method for developers.
  • Added "SuppressHttpErrors": false (in config.json for the API). If true errors in HTTP requests won't be logged to the console. Use this only if you know what you are doing, or if a developer advises you to do so.