
Paid BansAscended 1.1

No permission to buy ($26.99)
This resource is paid, and requires to be purchased
  • Central database to share bans across all servers you own
  • Bans by IP Address
  • Region lock and the ability to block players joining with VPN and/or from certain regions
  • Event Webhooks to display information about log-in, log-out player bans and unbans
  • Timed bans
  • Ability to import any bans already stored on your server(s)
Commands (RCON and Console):
  • BanPlayer EOSID Time (optional)
    BanPlayer 01139694fbcc481b8a11f4d6ea667bd2 10d -> Ban a player for 10 days
    BanPlayer 01139694fbcc481b8a11f4d6ea667bd2 10h -> Ban a player for 10 hours
    BanPlayer 01139694fbcc481b8a11f4d6ea667bd2 10m -> Ban a player for 10 minutes
  • UnBanPlayer EOSID | unban a player
  • AddToIpWhitelist EOSID | adds a player to the IPFiltering whitelist if you want to prevent a certain player from getting kicked due to region lock/VPN detection
  • RemoveFromIpWhitelist EOSID | Removes a player from the whitelist
  • BanIp IP | Bans a player's IP address, any connections made from this IP address will be denied
  • UnbanIp IP | unbans an IP address
  • HWIDBans.Reload | Reload the plugin config
  • DeletePlayerRecord EOSID | deletes all data associated with the player (this does not include the IP address)

    "License": {
        "LicenseKey": ""
    "Mysql": {
        "MysqlDB": "testdb2",
        "MysqlHost": "localhost",
        "MysqlPort": 3306,
        "MysqlPass": "",
        "MysqlUser": "root",
        "UseMysql": true
    "General": {
        "Database_Sync_Time_Seconds": 60,
        "Save_Discord_Logs_In_Database": false,
        "ImportBanlist": false,
        "ImportBanlist_FromURL": false,
        "URLBanlist_URL": ""
    "Discord": {
        "ServerName": "TestMap",
        "Use_Compact_Webhook": false,
        "Ban_UnBan_Webhook": "",
        "Kick_Webhook": "",
        "Log_In_Log_Out_Webhook": "",
        "NewPlayer_Webhook": ""
    "Bans": {
        "Exclude_Admins_From_All_Checks": false
    "IpFiltering": {
        "Enabled": true,
        "Update_Ip_Cache_At_Time_Diff_Hours": 100,
        "IpHubAPiToken": "",
        "RegionLockType": "Blacklist",
        "Regions": ["BE", "DE"]
    "Commands": {
        "BanCommand_Override": "",
        "UnBanCommand_Override": ""
    "Messages": {
        "Sender": "BansAscended",
        "Send_Banned_Message_To_All_Players": true,
        "BadIpKickMessage": "Your IP address is deemed unsafe and thus unable to join this server",
        "BadRegionKickMessage": "You are not authorized to join this server from your current country/region",
        "BannedKickMessage": "You're Banned From This Server",
        "TimeBannedKickMessage": "You're Banned from this server for another {Days} Days {Hours} Hours and {Minutes} Minutes!",
        "BannedPlayerMessageToAllPlayers": "{} Has Been Banned From This Server And Will Be Kicked Shortly"
First release
Last update


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