
Free GenderChanger 1.4

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Plugin features:
  • Change gender of dinos just with a command while staring at a dino
  • (Optional) Token system to allow players to use it
  • (Optional) Allow only certain groups to use the command
  • (Optional) Enable timed token rewards for players
  • MySQL support for token system
  • SQLite support for token system

Console/RCON Commands:
  • gc.reload -> Reloads the config.json
  • gc.addtokens steamid amount -> Adds X tokens to said player
  • gc.removetokens steamid amount -> Removes X tokens to said player
  • gc.settokens steamid amount -> Set player's total tokens to specified amount
RCON Only commands:
  • gc.change dinoId1 dinoId2 -> Changes the gender for the given ids dino (if found)

Chat commands:

Chat commands can be customized in the config.json, but the default commands and its functions are:

/tokens -> displays how many tokens does the user has in the chat
/cg -> changes the gender of the dino in sigh to its oppsite gender if player meets all the necessary criteria (Ex: if has enough tokens, is permission allowed, etc.)
/ttrade 'Player Name' amount -> trade X amount of tokens with a player

Config file explained:
[CODE lang="json" title="Config"]{
"UseTokens": true, // If true token system will be used and players will need to have tokens in order to use /cg
"TokensToConsumePerChange": 1, // Amount of token that a gender change costs
"UseMySQL": false, // If UseTokens = true the db will be used. "UseMySQL" = false will force plugin to use SQLite
"MySQL": {
"Address": "localhost",
"User": "root",
"Password": "1234",
"Database": "dinogender"
"SQLitePathOverride": "",
"UsePermissions": false, // If true will check if player is in any of the AllowedGroups array. If not player won't be able to change gender
"AllowedGroups": [ // If UsePermissions = true players will need any of this groups for executing the command
"BlackListedDinos": [ // List of dinos that won't be able to have their gender changed
"Messages": {
"Sender": "GenderChanger",
"TokensReceived": "You received {0} tokens! (Total {1})",
"ManyPlayersFound": "Found more than 1 player with that name",
"NoPlayersFound": "No player with that name",
"SentTokens": "Succesfully sent tokens",
"ReceivedTokens": "You have received {0} tokens!",
"TradeUsage": "/trade 'Player Name' amount",
"HasTokens": "You have {0} tokens!",
"BlacklistedDino": "This dino is blacklisted by server administrator!",
"NoTokens": "You don't have enough tokens!",
"NoPermission": "You don't have permission to use this command!",
"DinoHasNoGender": "This dino does not use gender!",
"NoSameTribe": "Dino is not on your tribe!",
"NoDinoInSigh": "You are not aiming to any dino!",
"DinoIsMale": "Your dino is now a male!",
"DinoIsFemale": "Your dino is female!"
"Commands": { // Customize chat commands
"ChangeGender": "/cg",
"TokenTrade": "/ttrade",
"Tokens": "/tokens"
"TimedRewards": {
"Enabled": true, // If true players will be given X tokens every X seconds
"Amount": 1, // Amount of tokens to give
"Interval": 300 // Interval to give IN SECONDS

Common issues:
First release
Last update


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