KalsComms A:SA

Paid KalsComms A:SA 2.4

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This resource is paid, and requires to be purchased
KalsComms Plugin Overview
This plugin facilitates the communication between servers listed in the cluster.json located in the NGC-CorePlugin (so please make sure that configuration is correct.)

This enables the Cross-Chat feature for all servers in your cluster.

The plugin provides a vast array of configurable options from tribe chat colors to colors for different permissions and even Icons for default and various permission groups.

NGC-Core Plugin A:SA

RCON Commands
KC.reload - Reloads all configs for KalsComms
KC.reload.Styles - Reloads Style Config
KC.save.Styles - Saves Current style as main one

Setup Instructions

    "Default": {
        "AllianceLabel": " (Ally)", // The lable that will be shown when using Alliance chat.
        "Format": "{Map}{Tag}{Name}{Tribe}{Type}: {Msg}", // The layout of the message.
        "IconPath": null, // (OPTIONAL AND CAN BE REMOVED) If set to empty string will not show an icon
        "LocalLabel": " (Local)", // The lable that will be shown when using Local chat.
        "MapPrefix": "(", // What the map name should start with eg: (Ragnarok
        "MapSuffix": ") ", // What the map name should end with eg: Ragnarok) ** When Prefix is set eg: (Ragnarok) **
        "NameColor": { // Colors work from 0 - 255
            "R": 217, // Red
            "G": 217, // Green
            "B": 25, // Blue
            "A": 255 // Alpha, Density, Transparancy
        "NamePrefix": null, // (OPTIONAL AND CAN BE REMOVED) Setting Null will show the name as only the name when using a Prefix eg: "(" it will show as (name.
        "NameSuffix": null, // (OPTIONAL AND CAN BE REMOVED) Setting Null will show the name as only the name when using a Suffix eg: ")" it will show as name)
        "PMFromLabel": " ({} -> PM)", // When receives a PM it will look like eg: (Kal -> PM)
        "PMToLabel": " (PM -> {})", // When PM is sent it will it will look like eg: (PM -> Kal)
        "SameTribeNameColor": null, // (OPTIONAL AND CAN BE REMOVED) if set to null will default to "NameColor"
        "SelfNameColor": { // Colors work from 0 - 255
            "R": 168, // Red
            "G": 168, // Green
            "B": 168, // Blue
            "A": 255 // Alpha, Density, Transparancy
        "ShowMap": true, // If set to false map name will be hidden
        "ShowTribe": true, // If set to false Tribe name will be hidden
        "SpamDelayMS": 1000, // Cooldown between messages from a player to prevent spamming, This is in Miliseconds
        "Tag": null, // (OPTIONAL AND CAN BE REMOVED) If set to null will now show a tag
        "TagColor": null, // (OPTIONAL AND CAN BE REMOVED) If set to null will default to NameColor
        "TagPrefix": " ", // What the Tag should start with eg: (Default
        "TagSuffix": " ", // What the Tag name should end with eg: Default) ** When Prefix is set eg: (Default) **
        "TextColor": { // Colors work from 0 - 255
            "R": 255, // Red
            "G": 255, // Green
            "B": 255, // Blue
            "A": 255 // Alpha, Density, Transparancy
        "TribeColor": { // Colors work from 0 - 255
            "R": 255, // Red
            "G": 0, // Green
            "B": 0, // Blue
            "A": 255 // Alpha, Density, Transparancy
        "TribeLabel": " (Tribe)", // The lable that will be shown when using Tribe chat.
        "TribePrefix": " [", // What the Tribe name should start with eg: [Tribe of Kal
        "TribeSuffix": "]", // What the Tribe name should end with eg: Tribe of Kal] ** When Prefix is set eg: [Tribe of Kal] **
        "TribemateNameColor": { // Colors work from 0 - 255
            "R": 0, // Red
            "G": 255, // Green
            "B": 127, // Blue
            "A": 255 // Alpha, Density, Transparancy
    "Styles": [
            "StyleId": "Admins", // unique id for this style
            "Triggers": [
                    // ** Available Style Types ** //
                    // CHAR_ID // The in game character ID
                    // EVERYONE // Tag for everyone
                    // SERVER_ID // Server ID eg: Aberration_P
                    // TRIBE_ID // The in game tribe ID
                    // PLAYER_ID // The player unique id (Steam ID)
                    // ADMIN // used for Admin
                    // PERM_GROUP // Permission group
                    // GROUP_PERM // permission assigned to a group
                    "Type": "ADMIN",
                    "Value": "" // Leave blank when using ADMIN,
                    "Type": "PERM_GROUP",
                    "Value": "VIP"
            "Style": {
                "IconPath": "/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Icons/DinoEntryIcon_Overseer.DinoEntryIcon_Overseer",
                "Tag": "ADMIN",
                "NameColor": { // Colors work from 0 - 255
                    "R": 255, // Red
                    "G": 0, // Green
                    "B": 0, // Blue
                    "A": 255 // Alpha, Density, Transparancy
                "SelfNameColor": { // Colors work from 0 - 255
                    "R": 255, // Red
                    "G": 255, // Green
                    "B": 0, // Blue
                    "A": 255 // Alpha, Density, Transparancy
            "StyleId": "Discord", // unique id for this style
            "Triggers": [
                    "Type": "SERVER_ID",
                    "Value": "matt-discord"
            "Style": {
                "MapColor": { // Colors work from 0 - 255
                    "R": 255, // Red
                    "G": 0, // Green
                    "B": 0, // Blue
                    "A": 255 // Alpha, Density, Transparancy

    "Default": {
        "AllianceLabel": " (Ally)",
        "IconPath": "/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/Icons/Implant_Icon.Implant_Icon",
        "Format": "{Map}{Tag}{Name}{Tribe}{Type}: {Msg}",
        "LocalLabel": " (Local)",
        "MapPrefix": "<",
        "MapSuffix": ">",
        "NameColor": {
            "R": 217,
            "G": 217,
            "B": 25,
            "A": 255
        "NamePrefix": null,
        "NameSuffix": null,
        "PMFromLabel": " ({} -> PM)",
        "PMToLabel": " (PM -> {})",
        "SameTribeNameColor": null,
        "SelfNameColor": {
            "R": 168,
            "G": 168,
            "B": 168,
            "A": 255
        "ShowMap": true,
        "ShowTribe": true,
        "SpamDelayMS": 1000,
        "Tag": null,
        "TagColor": null,
        "TagPrefix": " ",
        "TagSuffix": " ",
        "TextColor": {
            "R": 255,
            "G": 255,
            "B": 255,
            "A": 255
        "TribeColor": {
            "R": 255,
            "G": 0,
            "B": 0,
            "A": 255
        "TribeLabel": " (Tribe)",
        "TribePrefix": " [",
        "TribeSuffix": "]",
        "TribemateNameColor": {
            "R": 0,
            "G": 255,
            "B": 127,
            "A": 255
    "Styles": [
            "StyleId": "PremiumVIP1",
            "Triggers": [
                    "Type": "PERM_GROUP",
                    "Value": "PremiumVIP1"
            "Style": {
                "IconPath": "/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/Icons/Implant_Icon_Alpha.Implant_Icon_Alpha",
                "MapColor": {
                    "R": 64,
                    "G": 224,
                    "B": 208,
                    "A": 255
                "NameColor": {
                    "R": 72,
                    "G": 209,
                    "B": 204,
                    "A": 255
                "SelfNameColor": {
                    "R": 72,
                    "G": 209,
                    "B": 204,
                    "A": 255
            "StyleId": "PremiumVIP2",
            "Triggers": [
                    "Type": "PERM_GROUP",
                    "Value": "PremiumVIP2"
            "Style": {
                "IconPath": "/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/Icons/Implant_Icon_Beta.Implant_Icon_Beta",
                "MapColor": {
                    "R": 218,
                    "G": 112,
                    "B": 214,
                    "A": 255
                "NameColor": {
                    "R": 204,
                    "G": 102,
                    "B": 204,
                    "A": 255
                "NameColor": {
                    "R": 204,
                    "G": 102,
                    "B": 204,
                    "A": 255
            "StyleId": "PremiumVIP3",
            "Triggers": [
                    "Type": "PERM_GROUP",
                    "Value": "PremiumVIP3"
            "Style": {
                "IconPath": "/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/Icons/Implant_Icon_Gamma.Implant_Icon_Gamma",
                "MapColor": {
                    "R": 205,
                    "G": 255,
                    "B": 0,
                    "A": 255
                "NameColor": {
                    "R": 191,
                    "G": 255,
                    "B": 0,
                    "A": 255
                "SelfNameColor": {
                    "R": 191,
                    "G": 255,
                    "B": 0,
                    "A": 255
First release
Last update


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