NGC-Core Plugin A:SA

Paid NGC-Core Plugin A:SA 2.4

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Core Plugin Overview

enables cross-cluster communication and data management, allowing for instant complex event handling across the cluster and integration with other core modules, such as the Discord bot.

RCON Commands
NGC.reload - Reloads Config, Cache, Database
NGC.reload.Log - Reload logger.json
NGC.reload.Cache - Reloads clusterdata cache from database
NGC.reload.Auth - Reloads auth from license API

NGC.dump.Cache - Dumps Ngc cache to Json file for support to assist in identifying issues
NGC.Log - Logs the cluster info to console
NGC.reconnect - Manually triggers reconnect if a server has failed to connect to another

Setup Instructions
Video Available

  "AccountEmail": "", // Should match the discord email used to login to the website
  "IgnoreTribeRanksAndAdmins ": true,  // Will ignore admin tribe ranks when checking tribes
  "Mysql": {
    "MysqlHost": "", // MySql Server Ip or host name
    "MysqlPort": 3306, // MySql Server port number
    "MysqlUser": "", // Database Username
    "MysqlPass": "", // Database Password
    "MysqlDB": "" // Database name
  "Pings": {
    "PingIntervalMs": 20000, // How often the server should ping each other in Milliseconds
    "ReportIntervalSeconds":, 60 // How often should the console how the connected servers in seconds
    "WebsocketTimeoutSecs": 2
    "EnableServerOfflineChecks": true,


example cluster.json
  "ClusterName": "Kals Servers", //The name of your cluster, Used by addons
  "Machines": [
      "IpAddress": "", // Ark maps server IP address
      "UseLocalWhenPossible": true,
      "Label": "Ark SE", // A label for this host
      "ArkServers": [
          "Key": "TheIsland", // The server key for an Ark Map
          "Label": "The Island", // The label you want the name to show
          "WebsocketPort": 48030 // Websocket Port number this Map should use. Must be unique and accessable form other maps
          "Key": "TheIsland2", // The server key for an Ark Map, if you have more than 1 of the same map use server Param -ServerKey=TheIsland2
          "Label": "The Island 2", // The label you want the name to show
          "WebsocketPort": 48032 // Websocket Port number this Map should use. Must be unique and accessable form other maps
          "Key": "Aberration_P",
          "Label": "Aberration",
          "WebsocketPort": 48034 // Websocket Port number this Map should use. Must be unique and accessable form other maps
          "Key": "EventMap", // The server key for an Ark Map, if you have more than 1 of the same map use server Param -ServerKey=EventMap
          "Label": "Event Map", // The label you want the name to show
          "WebsocketPort": 48036 // Websocket Port number this Map should use. Must be unique and accessable form other maps
      "CustomServers": [
          "Key": "discord", // The key that will be used in the discord bot config.json
          "Label": "Discord", // The label you want the name to show
          "WebsocketPort": 48200 // Websocket Port number this Map should use. Must be unique and accessable form other maps
      "IpAddress": "", // Ark maps server IP address
      "UseLocalWhenPossible": true,
      "Label": "Ark SA", // A label for this host
      "ArkServers": [
          "Key": "TheIsland_WP", // The server key for an Ark Map
          "Label": "The Island", // The label you want the name to show
          "WebsocketPort": 48030 // Websocket Port number this Map should use. Must be unique and accessable form other maps
          "Key": "TheIsland2", // The server key for an Ark Map, if you have more than 1 of the same map use server Param -ServerKey=TheIsland2
          "Label": "The Island 2", // The label you want the name to show
          "WebsocketPort": 48032 // Websocket Port number this Map should use. Must be unique and accessable form other maps
          "Key": "Svartalfheim_WP",
          "Label": "Svartalfheim",
          "WebsocketPort": 48034 // Websocket Port number this Map should use. Must be unique and accessable form other maps
          "Key": "EventMap", // The server key for an Ark Map, if you have more than 1 of the same map use server Param -ServerKey=EventMap
          "Label": "Event Map", // The label you want the name to show
          "WebsocketPort": 48036 // Websocket Port number this Map should use. Must be unique and accessable form other maps
      "CustomServers": []

    "LogLevel": 2,
    "SaveEventsToDb": true,
    "CoreLogOverrides": {
        // 0 - Trace, 1 - Debug, 2 - Info, 3 - Warning, 4 - Error, 5 - Fatal
        //"AUTH": 4,
        //"CONFIG": 4,
        //"DATABASE": 0,
        //"CACHE": 4
        //"PLUGIN": 4,
        //"EVENTS": 1,
        // "POOL": 0
    "SubLogOverrides": {
        // Server, Player, Char, Tribe, Thread, Ping
        //"Player": 0,
        //"Server": 0,
        //"RolePermSync": 0
        //"Ping": 0
        //"KC": 0
    "NetworkLog": {
            bool OnInit = true;
            bool OnServerReady = true;
            bool OnConnectionChange = true;
            bool ShowOffline = true;
            bool ShowNonArk = true;
            int PingIntervalMs = 1000;
            double ReportIntervalMins = -1;
        "ShowOffline": true,
        "OnServerReady": true,
        "ReportIntervalMins": 1, // -1 means no automatic report in console
        "PingIntervalMs": 30000

Support Discord
First release
Last update


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