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An updated/enhanced PvP scheduler plugin! Schedule PVP mode on a weekly basis.
(Or if you remove the pvp schedule entirely "PVPSchedule":[], you could use this for pve anti-grieving)

PVEMode highlights:
- DisableMindControl // if true then Noglins will not be able to control characters
- DisablePicking // if true then players can't pick other players/dinos with thier dinos
- DisableDraggingBodies // if true then players can't drag enemy bodies around
- DisableCryoSickness // if true then disables cryosickness
- DisableTurretsPlayers // if true then turrets will not target/shoot at players
- DisableTurretsDinos // if true then turrets will not target/shoot at dinos
- RefillTurretAmmo // if true then turrets will not use ammo if they are shooting targets in pve mode
- ProtectPlayers // protect players from damage?
- ProtectDinos // protect dinos from damage?
- ProtectStructures // protect structures from damage?
- ProtectExplosives // protect targets from explosives?
- ProtectStructureInventories // protect players from opening enemy structure inventories?
- AllowAccessToUnlockedStructures // allow players to open unlocked enemy structure inventories
- ProtectPlayerInventories // protect players from opening enemy player inventories?
- ProtectDinoInventories // protect players from opening enemy dino inventories?
- PreventPickingUpItems // prevent players from picking up enemy dropped items
- ProtectDroppedBags // prevent players from opening enemy death bags or dropped bags
- DisableStructureAccess // prevent players from activating structures like generators or forges etc...
- AllowAllianceAccess // allow alliance tribes access to your structures, bodies, dragging, picking, etc..
- StructureProtectionBlacklist // allow damage to these structures while in pve mode
- DisableTributeTerminalInventory // prevents users from placing items in the common tribute area in oblisks and terminals

*In order for PvP to work, your server should still be in pvp mode when using this plugin
** All the PVEMode variables can be added to the PVP profile if you want to use them, except for RefillTurretAmmo. This only works in PVEMode.

chat command: /pvpstatus

Using /pvpstatus as a Admin displays the values of all the pve variables:

A configurable countdown gives players notice before the mode changes:

        "PVPStatusCommand": "/pvpstatus",    // displays the current mode, and time left until next mode
        "PVPStatusCommandCooldownInSecond": 15,
        "SenderNameInChat": "SERVER",
            "PVPActiveMessage": "PvP mode is currently enabled",   // used for /pvpstatus
            "PVEActiveMessage": "PvE mode is currently enabled",   // used for /pvpstatus
            "ProtectExplosiveMessage": "You can only use explosives when PVP mode is enabled", // message for when player tries to use c4
            "PVPTimeLeftMessage": "There's less than {} day(s), {} hour(s) and {} minute(s) until PvE mode begins", // used for /pvpstatus and broadcast
            "PVETimeLeftMessage": "There's less than {} day(s), {} hour(s) and {} minute(s) until PvP mode begins", // used for /pvpstatus and broadcast
            "PVPTimeLeftMessage2": "There's less than {} minute(s) until PvE mode begins",   // message used for countdown
            "PVETimeLeftMessage2": "There's less than {} minute(s) until PvP mode begins",   // message used for countdown
            "DisplayStatusEveryXMinutes": 30,     // how often to broadcast the time left in the current mode
            "StartCountdownXMinutesBeforeChange": 10,     // how many minutes before the next mode change do we start the countdown?
            "AlwaysOnStructureProtectionForTribeIDs": [],   // tribe ids that always have structure protection, for fixed things
            "IgnoreStructureProtectionForTribeIDs": [],     // tribe ids that never have structure protection, for admin raid bases etc..
            "PVEMode": {
                "DisableMindControl": true,
                "DisablePicking": true,  // if true then players can't pick other players/dinos with thier dinos
                "DisableDraggingBodies": true,   // if true then players can't drag enemy bodies around
                "DisableCryoSickness": true,    // if true then disables cryosickness
                "DisableTurretsPlayers": false,   // if true then turrets will not target/shoot at players at all
                "DisableTurretsDinos": false,   // if true then turrets will not target/shoot at dinos at all
                "RefillTurretAmmo": true,    // if true then turrets will not use ammo if they are shooting targets
                "ProtectPlayers": true,   // protect players from damage?
                "ProtectDinos": true,    // protect dinos from damage?
                "ProtectStructures": true,   // protect structures from damage?
                "ProtectExplosives": true,   // protect targets from explosives?
                "ProtectStructureInventories": true,  // protect players from opening enemy structure inventories?
                "AllowAccessToUnlockedStructures": true, // allow players to open unlocked enemy structure inventories
                "ProtectPlayerInventories": true,   // protect players from opening enemy player inventories?
                "ProtectDinoInventories": true,   // protect players from opening enemy dino inventories?
                "PreventPickingUpItems": true,  // prevent players from picking up enemy droppped items
                "ProtectDroppedBags": true.  // prevent players from opening enemy droppped bags or death bags
                "DisableStructureAccess": true, // prevent players from activating structures like generators or forges etc...
                "AllowAllianceAccess": true, // allow alliance tribes access to your structures, bodies, dragging, picking, etc...
                "DisableMindControl": true, // prevent Noglins from controlling characters        
                "DisableTributeTerminalInventory": true, // prevents users from placing items in the common tribute area in oblisks and terminals
                "UseStructureProtectionBlacklistAsAWhitelist": false, // treats StructureProtectionBlacklist as a whitelist and ONLY protects the structures listed in PVE mode         
                "StructureProtectionBlacklist": [  // structures to allow damage while in pve mode
            "PVPSchedule":    // this is an example of a 7 day schedule with PvP from 8pm to 2am
                    "StartDay": 0,    // 0 = sunday, 6 = saturday    *if more than 1 day, then they MUST be in order from 0 to 6 or it won't work correctly. Only program one continuous schedule going from 0-6
                    "StartHour": 20,  // 0 = midnight, 23 = 11pm
                    "EndDay": 1,
                    "EndHour": 2,
                    "EnabledMessage": "PvP mode is active",
                    "DisabledMessage": "PvE mode is active"
                { "StartDay": 1, "StartHour": 20, "EndDay": 2, "EndHour": 2, "EnabledMessage": "PvP mode is active", "DisabledMessage": "PvE mode is active" },
                { "StartDay": 2, "StartHour": 20, "EndDay": 3, "EndHour": 2, "EnabledMessage": "PvP mode is active", "DisabledMessage": "PvE mode is active" },
                { "StartDay": 3, "StartHour": 20, "EndDay": 4, "EndHour": 2, "EnabledMessage": "PvP mode is active", "DisabledMessage": "PvE mode is active" },
                { "StartDay": 4, "StartHour": 20, "EndDay": 5, "EndHour": 2, "EnabledMessage": "PvP mode is active", "DisabledMessage": "PvE mode is active" },
                { "StartDay": 5, "StartHour": 20, "EndDay": 6, "EndHour": 2, "EnabledMessage": "PvP mode is active", "DisabledMessage": "PvE mode is active" },
                { "StartDay": 6, "StartHour": 20, "EndDay": 0, "EndHour": 2, "EnabledMessage": "PvP mode is active", "DisabledMessage": "PvE mode is active" }
            "GroupPermission": {
                    "Priority": 99,
                    "CommandCooldown": "You cannot use this command so quickly, try again in a moment ({} seconds)"

Config reload command: PlannedPVP.reload

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