Player Utilities FREE

Free Player Utilities FREE 1.14

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A simple plugin to add extra player abilities/commands to your server!
Each command is configurable by Permissions and can be configured to cost Ark Shop points or Tokens via TokenBank!

** PLEASE NOTE: Group Permissions are used, not the Group Name. So, in your "Default" Group Name, you should also have a permission called "Default" (or whatever you want to call it, I chose Default) in order for the plugin to work correctly. **
PLEASE be sure you TEST as a PLAYER and not an Admin, and do not use the enablecheats command as this makes you Admin also.



/enemyscan - scans and notifies you how many enemies are in the area

/getbags - this will recover all the players dead body bags within the players range

/clear - this will harvest all resources within the range of the player, to the players inventory (trees, rocks, grass etc..)

/charwipe - this will reset all character points but will not reset engrams

/transfergun - toggles the transfergun mode on/off, when on it will move inventories from A to B that you shoot with the Fabricated Pistol

/demogun - toggles the demogun mode on/off, when on it will demolish the structure you shoot with the Fabricated Pistol

/pickupgun - toggles the pickupgun mode on/off, when on it will pick up the structure you shoot with the Fabricated Pistol, provided it's at 100% health

/repairgun - toggles the repairgun mode on/off, when on it will repair the structure you shoot with the Fabricated Pistol, provided you have the materials in your inventory. Respects repair damage cooldown timer.

/die - will kill the player. But not if they are grappled, under Noglin mind control, in handcuffs, unconscious etc...

/engrams - unlocks player engrams with configurable options and a blacklist preventing the unlocking of any engram. Allows you to block engrams by permission.

/repair - will repair all the structures within the range of the player. Uses resources from the players inventory and/or the dino they are riding. Respects repair damage cooldown timer.

/rename - renames the player who uses the command
Usage: /rename Billy

/renametribe - renames the tribe the player is in (option for only the tribe admins to use)
Usage: /renametribe TheBeachBobs

/makeowner - makes the player who uses the command, the owner of the tribe (option for only the tribe admins to use)

    "PlayerUtilities": {
        "PlayerHelpCommand": "/playerhelp",    // displays all the commands the player is eligible for in the tab console
        "PlayerHelpCommandCooldownInSeconds": 60,
        "EverythingIsFREE": false,
        "ShowPlayerHelpInChat": true,        // also displays the results in the chat window
        "DiscordWebHook": "",    // not used yet
        "GroupPermission": {    // this controls who gets what
"Priority": 99,   // put default at a high number, so VIP profiles take priority
                "PlayerEnemyScanEnabled": true,
                "PlayerEnemyScanUseTokens": false, // if true then will charge tokens for this command, otherwise Shop points will be used
                "PlayerEnemyScanPrice": 10000,
                "PlayerEnemyScanRangeFoundations": 300,  // this is approximately the size of one grid block on the map

                "PlayerGetDeathBagsEnabled": true,              
                "PlayerGetDeathBagsUseTokens": false, // if true then will charge tokens for this command, otherwise Shop points will be used              
                "PlayerGetDeathBagsPrice": 1000,
                "PlayerGetDeathBagsRespawnCooldownInSeconds": 10,
                "PlayerGetDeathBagsRangeFoundations": 15,

                "PlayerCharacterWipeEnabled": true,
                "PlayerCharacterWipeUseTokens": false, // if true then will charge tokens for this command, otherwise Shop points will be used
                "PlayerCharacterWipeRequireMindwipe": false,
                "PlayerCharacterWipePrice": 10,
                "PlayerCompleteMissionEnabled": true,
                "PlayerCompleteMissionUseTokens": false,
                "PlayerCompleteMissionPrice": 0,
                "PlayerHarvestRangeEnabled": true,  // will harvest the resources withing the range of the player
                "PlayerHarvestRangeUseTokens": false, // if true then will charge tokens for this command, otherwise Shop points will be used
                "PlayerHarvestRangeClearOnly": false, // if true, then will not harvest anything to the player, it will just clear resources (with this setting you can have a large range)
                "PlayerHarvestRangePrice": 0,
                "PlayerHarvestRangeRangeFoundations": 3,  // recommended to keep this number low if PlayerHarvestRangeClearOnly = false. Too high could cause buffer overflow errors.
                "PlayerSuicideEnabled": true,
                "PlayerSuicideUseTokens": false, // if true then will charge tokens for this command, otherwise Shop points will be used
                "PlayerSuicidePrice": 10,              
                "PlayerSuicideKnockedOut": false, // if true the it will allow suicide when knocked out
                "PlayerSuicideHandCuffs": false, // if true the it will allow suicide while hancuffed
                "PlayerSuicideSitting": false, // if true the it will allow suicide while sitting
                "PlayerSuicideRiding": false, // if true the it will allow suicide while riding a dino
                "PlayerSuicidePicked": false, // if true the it will allow suicide when picked by another dino
                "PlayerSuicideGrappled": false, // if true the it will allow suicide when grappled by another player
                "PlayerSuicideMindControl": false, // if true the it will allow suicide when under Noglin Mind Control
                "PlayerRepairGunEnabled": true,
                "PlayerRepairGunUseTokens": false, // if true then will charge tokens for this command, otherwise Shop points will be used
                "PlayerRepairGunPrice": 10,

                "PlayerDemoGunEnabled": true,
                "PlayerDemoGunUseTokens": false, // if true then will charge tokens for this command, otherwise Shop points will be used
                "PlayerDemoGunPrice": 10,

                "PlayerPickupGunEnabled": true,
                "PlayerPickupGunUseTokens": false, // if true then will charge tokens for this command, otherwise Shop points will be used
                "PlayerPickupGunPrice": 10,
                "PlayerTransferGunEnabled": true,
                "PlayerTransferGunUseTokens": false, // if true then will charge tokens for this command, otherwise Shop points will be used
                "PlayerTransferGunPrice": 10,
                "PlayerRepairEnabled": true,
                "PlayerRepairUseTokens": false, // if true then will charge tokens for this command, otherwise Shop points will be used
                "PlayerRepairPrice": 1000,
                "PlayerRepairRangeFoundations": 20,         // the range to repair
                "PlayerRepairIgnoreRepairCooldown": false,  // if true then it will repair instantly and ignore the repair cooldown timer
                "PlayerUnlockEngramsEnabled": true,         // unlocks all available engrams, except map specific, up to the current player level (default config below)
                "PlayerUnlockEngramsUseTokens": false, // if true then will charge tokens for this command, otherwise Shop points will be used       
                "PlayerUnlockEngramsUnlockAll": false,   // if true then, unlocks all engrams regardless of level or map
                "PlayerUnlockEngramsUnlockMapSpecific": false,  // if true, then unlocks map specific engrams
                "PlayerUnlockEngramsPrice": 10,              
                "PlayerUnlockEngramsBlacklist": [    // do NOT include any prefix like EngramEntry_, PrimalItemArmor_ or PrimalItemStructure_ etc. Just put the name of the item.

                "PlayerMakeTribeFounderEnabled": true,    // feature is enabled at the profile level
                "PlayerMakeTribeFounderUseTokens": false, // if true then will charge tokens for this command, otherwise Shop points will be used
                "PlayerMakeTribeFounderMustBeTribeAdmin": true,   // must be a tribe admin to use command
                "PlayerMakeTribeFounderPrice": 1000,    // ark shop price

                "PlayerRenameEnabled": true,
                "PlayerRenameUseTokens": false, // if true then will charge tokens for this command, otherwise Shop points will be used
                "PlayerRenamePrice": 1000,
                "PlayerRenameBlacklist": [

                "PlayerRenameTribeEnabled": true,
                "PlayerRenameTribeUseTokens": false, // if true then will charge tokens for this command, otherwise Shop points will be used
                "PlayerRenameTribeMustBeTribeAdmin": true,
                "PlayerRenameTribePrice": 1000,
                "PlayerRenameTribeBlacklist": [

            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - Resets your player points but not your engrams",
            "ChatCommand": "/charwipe",
            "TokenName": "PlayerCharacterWipe",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5
            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - Demolish the structure you shoot with the Fabricated Pistol",
            "ChatCommand": "/demogun",
            "TokenName": "PlayerDemolishGun"
            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - Scan for enemies in the area",
            "ChatCommand": "/enemyscan",
            "TokenName": "PlayerEnemyScan",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5
            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - get your inventory from your dead body",
            "ChatCommand": "/getbags",
            "TokenName": "PlayerGetDeathBags",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5
            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - harvest the area around you",
            "ChatCommand": "/clear",
            "TokenName": "PlayerHarvestRange",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5
            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - Makes you the tribe owner",
            "ChatCommand": "/makeowner",
            "TokenName": "PlayerMakeTribeFounder",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5
            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - Pick up the structure you shoot with the Fabricated Pistol",
            "ChatCommand": "/pickupgun",
            "TokenName": "PlayerPickupGun"
            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - Rename the player",
            "ChatCommand": "/rename",
            "TokenName": "PlayerRename",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "MasterBlacklist": [
            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - Rename the tribe",
            "ChatCommand": "/renametribe",
            "TokenName": "PlayerRenameTribe",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "MasterBlacklist": [
            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - Repair the structures in your area",
            "ChatCommand": "/repair",
            "TokenName": "PlayerRepair",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5
            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - Repair the structure you shoot with the Fabricated Pistol",
            "ChatCommand": "/repairgun",
            "TokenName": "PlayerRepairGun"
            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - Kill yourself",
            "ChatCommand": "/die",
            "TokenName": "PlayerSuicide",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5
            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - Transfer one inventory to another using the Fabricated Pistol",
            "ChatCommand": "/transfergun",
            "TokenName": "PlayerTransferGun"
            "Enabled": true,
            "Description": " - Unlock map engrams up to your current level",
            "ChatCommand": "/engrams",
            "TokenName": "PlayerUnlockEngrams",
            "CommandCooldownInSeconds": 5,
            "MasterBlacklist": [

                "Default": {
                    "Priority": 99,              

                    "CommandCooldown": "You cannot use this command so quickly, try again in a moment ({} seconds)",
                    "CommandPurchased": "Command purchased for {} points/tokens",              
                    "InvalidName": "That name is not valid",
                    "MessagesMustBeTribeAdmin": "You must be a tribe admin to use this command",
                    "NoPermission": "You do not have permission to use this command",
                    "NoPoints": "You do not have enough points ({} needed)",
                    "NotEnabled": "This feature is not enabled on the server",
                    "NotEnoughTokens": "You don't have enought tokens to use this command",
                    "PlayerCharacterWipe": "Character wipe complete",
                    "PlayerCharacterWipeNoMindwipe": "You need at least 1 mindwipe in your inventory to use this command",

                    "PlayerEnemyScanEnemyPlayers1": "There are at least {} online enemy players in the area",
                    "PlayerEnemyScanEnemyPlayers2": "No online enemy players in the area",
                    "PlayerEnemyScanEnemyStructures1": "There are at least {} differect tribe sructures in the area",
                    "PlayerEnemyScanEnemyStructures2": "No tribes structures in the area",


                    "PlayerHarvestRange": "Harvest complete",
                    "PlayerHelpCommand": "All your available commands for Player Utilities have been printed out for you in the tab console. Press your tab twice to see the results.",
                    "PlayerHelpCommandResults": "Command: {} for {} {}",              
                    "PlayerMakeTribeFounder": "Make tribe owner complete",
                    "PlayerRename": "Player rename complete",
                    "PlayerRenameTribe": "Rename tribe complete",
                    "PlayerRepair": "Repair complete. Repaired {} out of {} possible structures.",
                    "PlayerNoRepair": "Repair cancelled, no structures are repairable right now.",
                    "PlayerNoDamage": "Repair cancelled, could not find damaged structures",
                    "PlayerNoStructures": "Repair cancelled, could not find tribe structures",
                    "PlayerNotEnoughResources": "Repair cancelled, not enough resources found",
                    "PlayerRepairGunOn": "Repair gun mode on",
                    "PlayerDemoGunOn": "Demo gun mode on",
                    "PlayerPickupGunOn": "Puckup gun mode on",
                    "PlayerRepairGunOff": "Repair gun mode off",
                    "PlayerDemoGunOff": "Demo gun mode off",
                    "PlayerPickupGunOff": "Puckup gun mode off",
                    "PlayerGetDeathBags": "Death bag(s) retrieved",
                    "PlayerGetDeathBagsNone": "No death bag(s) found.",
                    "PlayerUnlockEngrams": "Unlock engrams complete",
                    "PlayerUnlockEngramsFail": "You cannot unlock that engram",
                    "PlayerSuicide": "Suicide complete",
                    "PlayerSuicideKO": "You cannot use this command while unconscious",
                    "PlayerSuicideSitting": "You cannot use this command while sitting",
                    "PlayerSuicideHandcuffs": "You cannot use this command while wearing handcuffs",
                    "PlayerSuicideRiding": "You cannot use this command while riding a dino",
                    "PlayerSuicidePicked": "You cannot use this command while you are picked by another dino",
                    "PlayerSuicideDead": "You cannot use this command because you are already dead",
                    "PlayerSuicideGrappled": "You cannot use this command while attached or grappled to another player",
                    "PlayerSuicideMindControl": "You cannot use this command while you are mind controlled by a Noglin",
                    "PlayerTransferGunComplete": "Transfered {} items.",
                    "PlayerTransferGunNoTransfer1": "No items were transferred",
                    "PlayerTransferGunNoTransfer2": "Some items were not transferred",
                    "PlayerTransferGunInvFull": "Target inventory is full",
                    "PlayerTransferGunSet": "Transfer source inventory is set.",
                    "PlayerTransferGunClear": "Transfer inventory cleared.",
                    "SenderNameInChat": "SERVER",
                    "Points": "Points",
                    "Tokens": "Tokens",
                    "Free": "Free"


Config reload command: PlayerUtilities.reload

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