SH Windows Commander

Bot SH Windows Commander 3.0.0

No permission to buy ($20.00)
This software is a discord bot
• Configure panels with commands for windows
• Allow Specific roles to use specific panels
• Run any windows command from buttons
• Run commands based on tebex goal or purchases

module.exports = {
    token: '',
    guildId: '',
    licenseKey: '',
    panels: [
        { // ZA Cluster
            name: 'za_cluster', // Name of the panel. Must be unique
            logChannelId: '1179207754993385612', // Channel ID of the channel you want to log to (must be in the same server as the guildId)
            message: {
                content: '', // Content of the message. Can be empty
                embed: {
                    title: 'ZA Cluster Controller', // Title of the embed. Can be empty
                    description: '[ICODE]ansi\n[2;34mController for ZA Cluster[0m\n[/ICODE]', // Description of the embed. Can be empty
                    image: {
                        url: '', // URL of the image. Can be empty
                        height: null, // Height of the image. Enter null to keep aspect ratio
                        width: null, // Width of the image. Enter null to keep aspect ratio
                    thumbnail: {
                        url: '', // URL of the thumbnail. Can be empty
                        height: null, // Height of the thumbnail. Enter null to keep aspect ratio
                        width: null, // Width of the thumbnail. Enter null to keep aspect ratio
                    color: '#00CC66', // Color of the embed in HEX format.
                    // Fields of the embed. Can be empty
                    fields: [
                    footer: 'Shadowhunter ZA Servers', // Footer of the embed. Can be empty
                // Buttons of the message. Can be empty. Max 25 buttons.
                buttons: [
                    { // Start Server Button
                        customId: 'za_cluster_start', // Custom ID of the button. Must be unique and cannot be empty.
                        label: 'Start', // Label of the button that will be displayed. Cannot be empty.
                        style: 'SUCCESS', // Style of the button. Can be PRIMARY, SECONDARY, SUCCESS, DANGER. Cannot be empty.
                        emoji: '', // Emoji of the button. Can be empty.
                        allowedRoles: [''], // Role IDs that are allowed to click the button. Can be empty to allow everyone
                        disabled: false, // Whether the button should be disabled or not
                        commands: {
                            arguments: [], // Arguments for the commands. Can be empty
                            commands: ['schtasks /run /tn "ZA_Shadowhunter\\sh_start"'], // Windows commands to run when the button is clicked. Can be empty. Max 8 commands.
                        log: {
                            enabled: true, // Whether the button click should be logged or not
                            message: {
                                content: '{user}', // Content of the message. Can be empty
                                embed: {
                                    title: 'Start Request', // Title of the embed. Can be empty
                                    description: '[ICODE]ansi\n[2;32mZA[0m [2;33mZA Cluster[0m\n[2;32mStart Request[0m\n[/ICODE]', // Description of the embed. Can be empty
                                    image: {
                                        url: '', // URL of the image. Can be empty
                                        height: null, // Height of the image. Enter null to keep aspect ratio
                                        width: null, // Width of the image. Enter null to keep aspect ratio
                                    thumbnail: {
                                        url: '', // URL of the thumbnail. Can be empty
                                        height: null, // Height of the thumbnail. Enter null to keep aspect ratio
                                        width: null, // Width of the thumbnail. Enter null to keep aspect ratio
                                    color: '#00FF00', // Color of the embed in HEX format.
                                    // What should be logged. If both are false, nothing will be logged. Command output will be logged in the embed fields.
                                    commandOutput: {
                                        success: true, // Whether the command should be logged if it was successful or not
                                        error: true, // Whether the command should be logged if it caused an error or not
                                    footer: 'Button clicked at', // Footer of the embed. Can be empty
        { // The Island 1
            name: 'za_the_island_1', // Name of the panel. Must be unique
            logChannelId: '1179207754993385612', // Channel ID of the channel you want to log to (must be in the same server as the guildId)
            message: {
                content: '', // Content of the message. Can be empty
                embed: {
                    title: 'ZA The Island 1 Controller', // Title of the embed. Can be empty
                    description: '[ICODE]ansi\n[2;34mController for ZA The Island 1[0m\n[/ICODE]', // Description of the embed. Can be empty
                    image: {
                        url: '', // URL of the image. Can be empty
                        height: null, // Height of the image. Enter null to keep aspect ratio
                        width: null, // Width of the image. Enter null to keep aspect ratio
                    thumbnail: {
                        url: '', // URL of the thumbnail. Can be empty
                        height: null, // Height of the thumbnail. Enter null to keep aspect ratio
                        width: null, // Width of the thumbnail. Enter null to keep aspect ratio
                    color: '#00FF00', // Color of the embed in HEX format.
                    // Fields of the embed. Can be empty
                    fields: [
                    footer: 'Shadowhunter ZA Servers', // Footer of the embed. Can be empty
                // Buttons of the message. Can be empty. Max 25 buttons.
                buttons: [
                    { // Start Server Button
                        customId: 'za_the_island_1_start', // Custom ID of the button. Must be unique and cannot be empty.
                        label: 'Start', // Label of the button that will be displayed. Cannot be empty.
                        style: 'SUCCESS', // Style of the button. Can be PRIMARY, SECONDARY, SUCCESS, DANGER. Cannot be empty.
                        emoji: '', // Emoji of the button. Can be empty.
                        allowedRoles: [''], // Role IDs that are allowed to click the button. Can be empty to allow everyone
                        disabled: false, // Whether the button should be disabled or not
                        commands: {
                            arguments: [], // Arguments for the commands. Can be empty
                            commands: ['schtasks /run /tn "ZA_The_Island_1\\sh_start"'], // Windows commands to run when the button is clicked. Can be empty. Max 8 commands.
                        log: {
                            enabled: true, // Whether the button click should be logged or not
                            message: {
                                content: '{user}', // Content of the message. Can be empty
                                embed: {
                                    title: 'Start Request', // Title of the embed. Can be empty
                                    description: '[ICODE]ansi\n[2;32mZA[0m [2;33mThe Island 1[0m\n[2;32mStart Request[0m\n[/ICODE]', // Description of the embed. Can be empty
                                    image: {
                                        url: '', // URL of the image. Can be empty
                                        height: null, // Height of the image. Enter null to keep aspect ratio
                                        width: null, // Width of the image. Enter null to keep aspect ratio
                                    thumbnail: {
                                        url: '', // URL of the thumbnail. Can be empty
                                        height: null, // Height of the thumbnail. Enter null to keep aspect ratio
                                        width: null, // Width of the thumbnail. Enter null to keep aspect ratio
                                    color: '#00FF00', // Color of the embed in HEX format.
                                    // What should be logged. If both are false, nothing will be logged. Command output will be logged in the embed fields.
                                    commandOutput: {
                                        success: true, // Whether the command should be logged if it was successful or not
                                        error: true, // Whether the command should be logged if it caused an error or not
                                    footer: 'Button clicked at', // Footer of the embed. Can be empty
    enableTebexIntegartion: true,
    tebexSecretKey: '',
    tebexIntegation: [
            customId: 'goal_50_percent',
            checkInterval: 7, // how often should it check for this (please keep at least 1-2 second between each check of the same type to allow time to cache)
            tebexTrigger: 'CommunityGoal', // CommunityGoal or PurchasedPackage
            tebexTiggerName: 'Proceeds',
            completePercent: 50.00, // Check if current = communityGoal
            logChannelId: '1243554385573842944',
            commands: {
                arguments: [],
                commands: ['calcopen.bat'], // Windows commands to run when the button is clicked. Can be empty. Max 8 commands.
            customId: 'Shinehorn_purchased',
            checkInterval: 11, // how often should it check for this (please keep at least 1-2 second between each check of the same type to allow time to cache)
            tebexTrigger: 'PurchasedPackage', // purcahsePackage or CommunityGoal
            tebexTiggerName: 'ASA Shinehorn',
            logChannelId: '1243554385573842944',
            commands: {
                arguments: [],
                commands: ['calcopen.bat'], // Windows commands to run when the button is clicked. Can be empty. Max 8 commands.
First release
Last update


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