SR's Decay Manager

Free SR's Decay Manager 1.1

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Manage your structures and creatures decaying timers!

Use carefully with backups.

Plugin features:

  • Flexible decay settings.
  • Set decay timers for each structure type.
  • Set decay timers for specific structures.
  • Set decay timers for small clutters of structures.
  • Set structures that will ignore decay timers.
  • Let structures or creatures fully decay or let a bag after them!
  • Set destroy timers for creatures.
  • Set destroy multipliers for creatures.
  • Allow specific creatures to ignore decay timers.
  • Block enemies from checking decay timers to know if their targets are online.


DTargetBP (Console) - Display blueprint in console & chat of the structure or creature you're looking at.
/dt (Chat) - Display decay timer of structure or creature you're looking at.
DecayManager.Reload (Console & RCON) - Reload plugin configuration.

Make sure main decay system is off!

    "LogInFile": false, # Used for TargetBP command
    "EnableDecay": true, # Enable decay system
    "Structures": { # These are used for structures
        "FullDestroy": false, # False will Demolish structures, True will Destroy them without any trail
        "RefTime": 345600, # Reference Time for every structure (4 Days)
        "GlobalDecayMultiplier": 1.0, # Global multiplier (Not recommended to change)
        "SmallClusterStructures": 5, # Amount of structures to define something as small cluster
        "SmallClusterDecayMultiplier": 0.1, # Decay multiplier for small amonut of structures
        "TierMultipliers": { # Decay multiplier for every structure tier
            "Thatch": 1.0,
            "Wood": 2.0,
            "Stone": 3.0,
            "Metal": 4.0,
            "Tek": 5.0,
            "Adobe": -1.0, # Will use original value
            "Greenhouse": 0 # Does not decay
        "StructureMultipliers": { # Decay multiplier for specific structure
            "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Structures/TekTier/Wall_Tek.Wall_Tek'": 0.001
        "IgnoreStructures": [ # Ignore decaying on these structures
    "Dinos": {
        "FullDestroy": false, # False will Kill dinos, True will Destroy them without any trail
        "DestroyTimer": 86400, # Time to destroy dinos when there's no ally players around (1 Day)
        "DinoMultipliers": { # Multiplier for every dino
            "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Dodo/Dodo_Character_BP.Dodo_Character_BP'": 0.1
        "IgnoreDinos": [ # Ignore decaying on these dinos
    "AllowCheckingEnemy": true, # Allow using /dt command on enemy's property
    "Messages": {
        "AutoDecay": "Your '{0}' was auto-decay destroyed!", # Format for logs that will display after something was destroyed by decay system
        "EnemyStructure": "You can't check decay timers of enemy's property!", # Warn command if structure belongs to enemy and AllowCheckingEnemy is True
        "TimerCommandFormat": "{0} - Demolish in: {1}", # Format for command to display when structure decays
        "WontDecayFormat": "{0} - Does not decay.", # Format for command if structure does not decay
        "DecayTimerCommand": "/dt" # Command name

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