SR's Solo Farm

Free SR's Solo Farm 1.4

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Make farming for small tribes easier!

Plugin features:

  • Make dinos automatically hit every second!
  • Permissions system for command and limits.
  • Limit max farming dinos in tribe.
  • Limit max tribe members to enable farming.
  • Set allowed dinos to farm.
  • Use multiple attack types while farming.
  • Set allowed attack types to farm.


/farm [AttackType] (Chat) - Toggle farming on dino you're looking, riding or carrying.
/stopall (Chat) - Stop all your dinos from farming.
SoloFarm.Reload (Console & RCON) - Reload plugin configuration.

    "Dinos": { # Array of dinos allowed to solofarm
        "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Ankylo/Ankylo_Character_BP.Ankylo_Character_BP'": { # Dino Blueprint
            "DefaultAttackType": 0, # Default attack type that will be used by just writing /farm
            "AllowedAttackTypes": "0,1" # Attack types allowed to use on dino with /farm 0 or /farm 1
        "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Beaver/Beaver_Character_BP.Beaver_Character_BP'": { # Dino Blueprint
            "DefaultAttackType": 0, # Default attack type that will be used by just writing /farm
            "AllowedAttackTypes": "0" # Attack types allowed to use on dino with /farm 0
    "Command": {
        "Command": "/farm", # Command to toggle farming on dino
        "StopCommand": "/stopall", # Command to stop all dinos from farming
        # -1 is unlimited
        "MaxTribeMembers": -1, # Max tribe members to use command
        "MaxFarmDinos": 2, # Max dinos to farm at the same time
        "Permission": "solofarm", # Default permissions for /farm and /stopall commands
        "PermissionUnlimited": "farm" # Permission that ignores MaxTribeMembers limit
    "Messages": {
        "StopFarm": "Stopped auto farming for {}!", # When dino was already farming this message will display after writing /farm
        "StartFarm": "Started auto farming for {}!", # If dino was not farming before will display after writing /farm
        "StopAll": "Stopped all your dinos from farming!", # Displays if at least 1 dino was stopped from farming after writing /stopall
        "NothingToStop": "There's nothing to stop from farming in your tribe!", # Displays if no dinos were stopped from farming after writing /stopall
        "AttackTypeNotAllowed": "This attack type is not allowed on {}!", # Displays if attack type is not allowed on dino (If allowed to use 0,1 and player tried /farm 2)
        "DinoNotAllowed": "This dino is not allowed to farm!", # Displays if one of the conditions didn't met (Dino doesn't exist in array, is a baby, is dead)
        "TribeMembersLimit": "Your tribe contains more members ({} > {}) than allowed to use command!", # Displays if tribe contains more members than allowed to use command
        "NoPermissions": "You don't have permissions to use this command!", # Displays if player doesn't have permission to use /farm or /stopall
        "FarmingDinoLimit": "You reached max farming dinos limit! Please disable farming on one or write /stopall to disable for all.", # Displays if there's limit reache using /farm command
        "EnemyDino": "This dino is not in your tribe!" # Displays if dino player trying to enable farm with command is not in their tribe

First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 4 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. v1.4 - Karkinos

    Full support for crabs.
  2. v1.3 - Slotcap

    Now if dino is slotcapped, it will stop hitting.

Latest reviews

Great plugin, quick fix for the karkinos - can only recommend it!
for ab
"Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Ankylo/Ankylo_Character_BP_Aberrant.Ankylo_Character_BP_Aberrant'": {
"DefaultAttackType": 0,
"AllowedAttackTypes": "0,1"
"Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Doedicurus/Doed_Character_BP_Aberrant.Doed_Character_BP_Aberrant'": {
"DefaultAttackType": 0,
"AllowedAttackTypes": "0,1"
Currently the best Solofarma on the market, SR invested his time was able to fix most of the creatures that didn't work on ASA.
Also, the ability to set individual attacks on the dino is top notch and solves most of the problem when the dino attacks with a non-primary attack.
Top plugin with many possibilities