SR's Structure Limits

Free SR's Structure Limits 1.9.1b

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Limit your players from placing a lot of various structures!

Plugin features:

  • Set global limit of structures.
  • Set exact structure limit.
  • Make some structures ignore limits.
  • Block players from inviting or merging someone to break limits.
  • Allow admins to ignore limits.
  • Make tribe limits by their players permissions.


TargetBP (Console) - Display blueprint in console & chat of the structure you're looking at.
/showlimits (Chat) - Display current limits and amount of placed structures.
/showcluster (Chat) - Display amount of connected structures of the structure you're looking at.
StructureLimits.Reload (Console & RCON) - Reload plugin configuration.

    # Cluster - Multiple structures connected between them all. (For example - 4 Foundations connected to eachother)
    # -1 number in limits will disable them.
    "General": {
        "LogInFile": false, # Applies for TargetBP command to show logging in files
        "IgnoreAdmin": false, # Ignore admins in tribe merge & structure placement
        "MaxAmount": 500, # Max Amount of structures on map
        "MaxClusteredStructures": 100, # Max Amount of structures in 1 cluster, may be duplicating some snapping structures like pillars
        "CheckInterval": 15, # Check interval for structure updater (Recommended to set 15-30)
        "AsyncUpdateStructures": true, # Asynchronous structures update mode (Massive performance gain)
        "NotificationDisplayTime": 10, # Time for notifications to display
        "UseOldPermissionsMethod": false # Make permissions system to use tribe groups instead of highest tribemember group
    "Permissions": { # Permissions system (Tribe & Player based)
    # Tribe based - will use permissions tribe group
    # Player based - will check all tribe players and choose highest found group
        "Admins": { # Group name to search for (Highest group example) (This group has no limits for all structures)
            "Priority": 2, # Group priority (If there's 2 groups then it will use group with higher priority)
            "MaxStructures": -1, # Max Amount of structures on map for this group
            "MaxClusteredStructures": -1, # Max Amount of structures in 1 cluster for this group
            "Structures": { # Override exact structure limit
            # Use ONLY what you set in the Structures field down below
            # Alt Structures must be set as main identifier only.
                "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Structures/TekTier/Wall_Tek.Wall_Tek'": -1, # Structure identifier with alternative structures field example
                "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Structures/Metal/Floor_Metal.Floor_Metal'": -1 # Normal structure example
        "VIP": { # VIP group as another example of priority and numbers
            "Priority": 1,
            "MaxStructures": 1000,
            "MaxClusteredStructures": 200,
            "Structures": {
                "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Structures/TekTier/Wall_Tek.Wall_Tek'": 40,
                "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Structures/Metal/Floor_Metal.Floor_Metal'": 30
        "Default": { # Default group (Not required and was added for example)
            "Priority": 0,
            "MaxStructures": 500,
            "MaxClusteredStructures": 100,
            "Structures": {
                "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Structures/TekTier/Wall_Tek.Wall_Tek'": 30,
                "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Structures/Metal/Floor_Metal.Floor_Metal'": 20
    "Structures": {
        "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Structures/Metal/Floor_Metal.Floor_Metal'": 20, # Simplified version of adding structures, will use name from the game. Name will display in your servers culture
        "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Structures/TekTier/Wall_Tek.Wall_Tek'": { # Structure blueprint (Main identifier) (Tek Wall)
            "AltStructures": [ # Alternative structures (Could be skipped and removed)
                "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Structures/Metal/Wall_Metal.Wall_Metal'", # Metal Wall
                "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Structures/Stone/Stone_Wall/Wall_Stone.Wall_Stone'", # Stone Wall
                "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Structures/Wooden/Wall_Wood_Small_SM_New.Wall_Wood_Small_SM_New'" # Wooden Wall
            "Name": "Walls", # Group name (Displays only in /ShowLimits command)
            "Count": 30 # Max Amount of structures allowed to place from this group
    "IgnoreStructures": [ # Ignore types of structures from ALL limits
        "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Structures/C4Charge.C4Charge'" # C4 Charge
    "Messages": {
        "Sender": "StructureLimits", # Chat messages sender
        "ReachLimit": "You have reached structure global limit or limit of the exact structure!", # Displays when player reaches absolute limit of structures
        "ReachLimitClustered": "You have reached structures limit for that cluster!", # Displays when player reaches limit of structures in 1 cluster
        "MergeFail": "Tribe you are trying to merge with has too many structures combined with yours!", # Displays when tribes are merged and when their combined limits are higher than allowed
        "InviteFail": "Player you are trying to invite has too many structures combined with yours!", # Displays when tribe fails to invite a player and their combined structures are higher than allowed limit
        "InvitedFail": "Tribe you are trying to join has too many structures combined with yours!", # Displays to player when invite was failed
        "ShowLimitsCommand": "/showlimits", # Command to display overall structure limits
        "ShowClusterCommand": "/showcluster", # Command to display all structures in 1 cluster and compare them to limit
        "ShowMessage": "{}: {}/{}\n", # Form of the display for type limited structures 1 - Name, 2 - Amount of structures, 3 - Total Amount of structures
        "TotalMessage": "Total Structures: {}/{}" # Form of the display for total structures 1 - Amount of structures, 3 Total Amount of structures

First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 3 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. v1.9.1b - Fix

    Version B: -- Reuploaded in order to fix building tools causing Error 1114!! Fixed some issues...
  2. v1.9 - Database Support

    Added MySQL Database support for permissions. Added limitations if tribe has overcapped or...
  3. v1.8.1 - Fix

    Fixed issue when limit was not counted properly.

Latest reviews

My server without structure limit 20 000+ structures per tribe and 25gb ram used.
My server with a structure limit of 5000 structures per tribe and 10gb ram used.

Also customizable.
Limits of specific structures..yes
Limits of structures in the area...yes
Limits of structures per tribe...yes
Whitelist of sturucuters..yes
Top plugin with many possibilities
very useful for blocking constructions on a event map, or limiting them on a tame map