Stats Balance - Litings [DinoBalance]

Free Stats Balance - Litings [DinoBalance] v1.0

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Stats Balance -

Nerf or Buff
any dinosaur in the game!
add custom settings to each dinosaur in the game separately

Adjust resistance, damage, turret damage taken, disable taming, breeding, and taming to all the dinosaurs you want!

  • Set custom damage resistance to each dino (or global)!
  • Set custom damage to each dino (or global)!
  • Set custom turret damage taken to each dino (or global)!
  • Disable dino taming
  • Disable net to a dino
  • Disable dino breeding
  • And more soon!

Admin Commands
  • StatsBalance.Reload - Reloads the plugin config

Config Preview:
  "GlobalDinoBalance": {  // These settings will be applied to all dinos that do not have a specific configuration
    "AllowTame": true, // Allows the dino to be tamed (default: true)
    "AllowBreed": true, // Allows the dino to be bred (default: true)
    "AllowRide": true, // Allows the dino to be ridden (default: true)
    "DisableNet": false, // Disables the dino net (default: false)
    "AttackDamageMultiplier": 0, // The value by which the dino's attack damage will be multiplied (Disable: 0)
    "DamageResistanceMultiplier": 0, // The value by which the dino's damage resistance will be multiplied (Disable: 0)
    "TurretDamageMultiplier": 0,  // The value by which the damage the dino receives from turrets will be multiplied (Disable: 0)
    "ReducedFoodConsumptionSpeedMultiplier": -1, // The value by which the dino's food consumption speed will be multiplied (Disable: -1)
    "ReducedOxygenConsumptionSpeedMultiplier": -1, // The value by which the dino's oxygen consumption speed will be multiplied (Disable: -1)
    "ReducedStaminaConsumptionSpeedMultiplier": -1 // The value by which the dino's stamina consumption speed will be multiplied (Disable: -1)
  "DinoBalance": {
    "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Rex/Rex_Character_BP.Rex_Character_BP'": {
      "AllowTame": true, // Allows the dino to be tamed (default: true)
      "AllowBreed": true, // Allows the dino to be bred (default: true)
      "AllowRide": true, // Allows the dino to be ridden (default: true)
      "DisableNet": false, // Disables the dino net (default: false)
      "AttackDamageMultiplier": 0, // The value by which the dino's attack damage will be multiplied (Disable: 0)
      "DamageResistanceMultiplier": 0, // The value by which the dino's damage resistance will be multiplied (Disable: 0)
      "TurretDamageMultiplier": 0,  // The value by which the damage the dino receives from turrets will be multiplied (Disable: 0)
      "ReducedFoodConsumptionSpeedMultiplier": -1, // The value by which the dino's food consumption speed will be multiplied (Disable: -1)
      "ReducedOxygenConsumptionSpeedMultiplier": -1, // The value by which the dino's oxygen consumption speed will be multiplied (Disable: -1)
      "ReducedStaminaConsumptionSpeedMultiplier": -1 // The value by which the dino's stamina consumption speed will be multiplied (Disable: -1)
    "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Raptor/Raptor_Character_BP.Raptor_Character_BP'": {
      "AllowTame": true, // Allows the dino to be tamed (default: true)
      "AllowBreed": true, // Allows the dino to be bred (default: true)
      "AllowRide": true, // Allows the dino to be ridden (default: true)
      "DisableNet": false, // Disables the dino net (default: false)
      "AttackDamageMultiplier": 0, // The value by which the dino's attack damage will be multiplied (Disable: 0)
      "DamageResistanceMultiplier": 0, // The value by which the dino's damage resistance will be multiplied (Disable: 0)
      "TurretDamageMultiplier": 0,  // The value by which the damage the dino receives from turrets will be multiplied (Disable: 0)
      "ReducedFoodConsumptionSpeedMultiplier": -1, // The value by which the dino's food consumption speed will be multiplied (Disable: -1)
      "ReducedOxygenConsumptionSpeedMultiplier": -1, // The value by which the dino's oxygen consumption speed will be multiplied (Disable: -1)
      "ReducedStaminaConsumptionSpeedMultiplier": -1 // The value by which the dino's stamina consumption speed will be multiplied (Disable: -1)

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Reactions: stevie_senpai
First release
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