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This plugin will make your server outstand from the others because all the customization you can do without mods!
·Structure Modifier:
-Change structure max inventory slots
-Modify structure crafting speed
-Modify structure HP
-Enable/Disable autocraft for structures, and choose wether all bps autocraft or not. There is a list to set which ones autocraft
·Pull System
-Pull to the structure you are aiming to with this command format: "/pull structure 'resource name' amountToPull"
-Pull to your own inventory with this command "/pull inv 'resource name' amountToPull"
-Pull system will respect max inventory slots AND will also respect only allowed items (for example, no metal can be pulled inside turrets)
-Pull cooldown configuration
-Configurable pull radius
-Option to enable/disable pulling from dinos
-Item blacklist to prevent pulling said item
-Structure blacklist to prevent pulling FROM (taking items from that structure to pull to another place)
-Structure blacklist to prevent pulling TO (pulling resources TO that structure)
- NEW!! Pull by folder, no commands involved!
·Distribute system
-Split all resources into equals between all in range structures (Example: takes all metal from nearby forges, and distributes the same amount to each)
-Ability to blacklist structures to be distributed
-Configurable distribute radius
-Distribute system uses the same cooldown as the pull system
- NEW!! Distribute by folder, no commands involved!
·AutoRepair by folder
- Auto repair items seamlessly!
·AutoCraft by folder
- Auto craft anything you want without using commands!
Has no lag, and will work flawlessly!
·Infinite Water
-Option to enable water reservoirs to be always irrigated
·Auto Doors
You can make doors auto open, auto close or both! Configurable permissions for it too!
Console commands:
vm.reload -> reloads config file
RCON Commands:
vm.reload -> reloads config file
Config Explained:
[CODE lang="json" title="Config"]{
"AccountKey": "",
"CraftingSpeedStructures": { // modify properties of different structures
"Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Misc/PrimalItemStructure_AnvilBench.PrimalItemStructure_AnvilBench'": {
"Health": 20000,
"CraftingSpeed": 10,
"AutoCraft": false,
"AllBlueprintsAutoCraft": false,
"BlueprintsToAutoCraft": [
"InventorySlots": 400
"AutoCrafting": {
"EnableAutoCraftByFolder": true, // if enabled a folder will be created on the inventory of structures to add engrams to it
"FolderName": "AutoCraft", // the folder name
"AutoCraftIntervalSeconds": 5 // how often to check for items for auto craft
"AutoRepair": {
"Enabled": true, // if enabled a folder will be created to auto repair items
"FolderName": "AutoRepair" // the folder name
"AutoPull": {
"Enabled": true, // if enabled players can ad engrams to the folder, click "Create new folder", and input how many to pull
"FolderName": "Pull", // the folder name
"PulledNotification": {
"Message": "Pulled {}x of {}",
"DisplayTime": 10,
"DisplayScale": 2,
"Color": [ 0, 255, 0 ]
"NoResources": {
"Message": "Could not find any '{}'",
"DisplayTime": 10,
"DisplayScale": 2,
"Color": [ 255, 0, 0 ]
"AutoDist": {
"Enabled": true, // if true players can create folders with the structure name they want to distribute at, and add items to the folder
"DistributedMessage": {
"Message": "Successfully distributed",
"DisplayTime": 10,
"DisplayScale": 2,
"Color": [ 0, 255, 0 ]
"NoResources": {
"Message": "Could not find any '{0}'",
"DisplayTime": 10,
"DisplayScale": 2,
"Color": [ 255, 0, 0 ]
"NoStructures": {
"Message": "Could not find any '{1}'",
"DisplayTime": 10,
"DisplayScale": 2,
"Color": [ 255, 0, 0 ]
"RemovePickupDisableOnMultiUse": true, // If true will allow structures that have their pickup disabled when using them (like teleporters)
"EnablePickupPrevention": false, // If true will prevent pickup for the structures in the array below
"PickupPreventionStructures": [ // Structure paths (PrimalItem paths accepted) to enable pickup prevention
"PickupDisabledNotification": { // Notification to send when pickup is prevented
"Message": "This structure pickup has been disabled",
"DisplayTime": 10,
"DisplayScale": 2,
"Color": [ 0, 0, 0 ] // In RBG format
"PullSystem": {
"Enabled": true, // enable/disable pulling system
"PullRadius": 30, // pull radius in foundations
"Pull_Cooldown_In_Seconds": 1, // cooldown to apply after pulling/distributing. Uses seconds
"PullFromDinos": false, // if enabled will also look into dinos for pulling resources
"UseWildcardsForSearching": false, // Use the wildcards system instead of a simple "Contains" for pull and distribute.
"ExcludeItems": [ // exclude items from being pulled to/from a structure
"ExcludeStructuresToPullFROM": [ // exclude certain structures to grab resources from them when pulling
"ExcludeFromPullingTO": [ //exclude certain structures to pull resources to them
"BlacklistedPlayers_SteamID": [ // steamid64 of players that wont be able to use pull system
"ExcludedPullItemTypes": [ 2, 1, 6 ], // This will exclude specific item types to be pulled, for example to prevent pulling weapons / armor / saddles that have quality, and would be reset to primitive if pulled. Item types numbers are listed in some of the options in this file.
"Messages": {
"Sender": "VanillaModifier",
"Usage": "/pull structure/inv 'resource name' amount",
"InvNotValid": "The inventory of the structure is not valid",
"BlacklistedStructure": "You cannot pull to this structure because it has been blacklisted.",
"PullToStructureSuccess": "Pulled {0} of {1} to the structure's inventory",
"PullToInvSuccess": "Pulled {0} of {1} to your inventory",
"NotEnoughResources": "There are not enough resources suitable for this structure",
"PullError": "Could not pull",
"CoolDown": "You must wait {} seconds to pull again",
"UserBlacklisted": "You are blacklisted from pull system by server administrator",
"OverMaxSlots": "Amount exceeds structure's max inventory items'"
"DistributeCmd": {
"Enabled": true, // if trur will enable /dist command for resource distributing
"Radius": 10, // radius to check for structures to distribute. In foundations
"Blacklisted_Structures": [ // structures that won't be counted for distribution. PrimalItemStructure paths accepted.
"Messages": {
"Sender": "Distribute",
"Not_Enabled": "Distribute command is not enabled",
"NoStructures": "No structures were found in range",
"Usage": "/dist 'structures to distribute' 'resource name''",
"NothingFound": "Nothing could be found for distributing",
"DistributedSuccesfully": "Succesfully distributed resources",
"NotSuitableIntoInventory": "Some items were not allowed in remove inventory, they were given to you."
"Collision": {
"Enable_Per_Structure_Collision": false, // if true will enable vanilla collision check for individual structures
"Refund_Structures": false, // If false players won't get structures that are obstructed back into their inventory. Mainly to prevent duping structures.
"EnableCollisionForStructures": [ // structures to enable collision to. PrimalItemStructure paths accepted.
"Messages": {
"Obstructed": {
"Message": "Is obstructed", // Message to send when player tries to place a structure and it's obstructed
"DisplayScale": 2,
"DisplayTime": 5
"BedSettings": { // Section to control bed spawn cooldown
"Global": { // If present, it will affect all bed types
"UseFixedSpawnTime": false, // If true "FixedSpawnSeconds" will be used, instead of choosing between a min/max
"FixedSpawnSeconds": 300, // Seconds of cooldown. Only used it the above setting is true.
"MinRespawnTimer": 10, // Min spawn cooldown. Not used if "UseFixedSpawnTime" is true
"MaxRespawnTimer": 300 // Max spawn cooldown. Not used if "UseFixedSpawnTime" is true
"Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Misc/PrimalItemStructure_Bed_Simple.PrimalItemStructure_Bed_Simple'": { // Bp path for the structure / item used to place the bed
"UseFixedSpawnTime": false,
"FixedSpawnSeconds": 300,
"MinRespawnTimer": 10,
"MaxRespawnTimer": 300
"InfiniteWater": true, // if true water reservoirs will be always irrigated and thus having infinite water source
"Commands": { // modify commands if you wish to
"PullCmd": "/pull",
"DistributeCmd": "/dist",
"AutocraftCmd": "/autocraft",
"PullWords": { // Words used for pulling to inventory/structure
"Inventory": "inv", // used for pulling to inventory, ex: /pull inv 'wood' 100
"Structure": "structure", // used for pulling to aimed structure, ex: /pull structure 'wood' 100,
"All": "all" // used for pull quantity, ex: /pull inv 'wood' all
"DinoControl": {
"Carno_Character_BP": { // Class of the dino, can be partial names or full blueprint path matches
"Breeding": {
"MinBreedingTimer": 1, // Min breeding timer
"MaxBreedingTimer": 5, // Max breeding timer
"IsIntervalInHours": false, // If true intervals above will be treated as hours, if false they will be treated as minutes
"PreventBreeding": false // If true the dino won't breed
"Mutation": {
"MutationChance": 0.025, // Modify mutation chance, 0.025 = 2.5% which is vanilla value (each mutation roll has a 2.5% chance to give a mutation)
"NumMutations": 1, // Number of stat points to give when the chance is successful
"RandomMutationRolls": 3 // Max number of mutations a single dino can obtain. 3 is vanilla, with this config there will be 3 times the mutation chance will be evaluated, if successfull it will give mutation up to 3 mutations
"Riding": {
"PreventRiding": false, // If true dino won't be breedable
"MinPlayerLevelToRide": 50, // If level > 0 the player level will be checked, and won't be allowed to ride if below that level
"RequirePermissionToRide": "CarnoRide", // If config is "" it won't be checked, else it will check if player has permission to ride. NOTE: This refers to a permission in a group, NOT A GROUP NAME
"Messages": {
"CannotRide": "You cannot ride this dino",
"CannotRideLevel": "You cannot ride this dino. You need to be at least level {}",
"CannotRidePermission": "You don't have permission to ride this dino"
"Global": {
"Mutation": {
"MutationChance": 0.025, // Modify mutation chance, 0.025 = 2.5% which is vanilla value (each mutation roll has a 2.5% chance to give a mutation)
"NumMutations": 1, // Number of stat points to give when the chance is successful
"RandomMutationRolls": 3 // Max number of mutations a single dino can obtain. 3 is vanilla, with this config there will be 3 times the mutation chance will be evaluated, if successfull it will give mutation up to 3 mutations
"AutoDoors": { // auto doors (like S+ mod, they open when a player walks by)
"Enabled": true, // if doors should be automatic
"DefaultMode": 0, // Default door mode. 0: Auto open/close | 1: Auto close | 2: auto open | -1: vanilla doors
"PermissionToUse": "AutoDoors.Use", // Permission needed to use doors, note: it's permission NAME, not GROUP. If not used the line can be removed, or set to ""
"DoorRangeFoundations": 1, // how many foundations range to detect players
"CheckIntervalMilliseconds": 0, // how often to check for door open/close
"AutoOpenCloseCommand": "/autoopenclose", // command that player can use to make the door auto open and close (default option)
"AutoCloseCommand": "/autoclose", // command that player can use to make the door auto close ONLY
"AutoOpenCommand": "/autoopen", // command that player can use to make the door auto open ONLY
"OffAutoDoor": "/offautodoor", // command that player can use to make the door behave like vanilla (not auto door)
// the auto door settings save between game sessions, so players won't need to do it every time the server restarts
"Messages": {
"Successful": "Mode enabled successfully!",
"Disabled": "Auto door disabled successfully!",
"NoDoor": "No door found in sight"
"CryoCooldown": { // modify cooldown of cryo sickness
"DefaultCooldown": 300, // default cryo sickness for everyone
"Groups": { // individual cooldown seconds per permission group
"Admins": 0
"AccountKey": "",
"CraftingSpeedStructures": { // modify properties of different structures
"Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Misc/PrimalItemStructure_AnvilBench.PrimalItemStructure_AnvilBench'": {
"Health": 20000,
"CraftingSpeed": 10,
"AutoCraft": false,
"AllBlueprintsAutoCraft": false,
"BlueprintsToAutoCraft": [
"InventorySlots": 400
"AutoCrafting": {
"EnableAutoCraftByFolder": true, // if enabled a folder will be created on the inventory of structures to add engrams to it
"FolderName": "AutoCraft", // the folder name
"AutoCraftIntervalSeconds": 5 // how often to check for items for auto craft
"AutoRepair": {
"Enabled": true, // if enabled a folder will be created to auto repair items
"FolderName": "AutoRepair" // the folder name
"AutoPull": {
"Enabled": true, // if enabled players can ad engrams to the folder, click "Create new folder", and input how many to pull
"FolderName": "Pull", // the folder name
"PulledNotification": {
"Message": "Pulled {}x of {}",
"DisplayTime": 10,
"DisplayScale": 2,
"Color": [ 0, 255, 0 ]
"NoResources": {
"Message": "Could not find any '{}'",
"DisplayTime": 10,
"DisplayScale": 2,
"Color": [ 255, 0, 0 ]
"AutoDist": {
"Enabled": true, // if true players can create folders with the structure name they want to distribute at, and add items to the folder
"DistributedMessage": {
"Message": "Successfully distributed",
"DisplayTime": 10,
"DisplayScale": 2,
"Color": [ 0, 255, 0 ]
"NoResources": {
"Message": "Could not find any '{0}'",
"DisplayTime": 10,
"DisplayScale": 2,
"Color": [ 255, 0, 0 ]
"NoStructures": {
"Message": "Could not find any '{1}'",
"DisplayTime": 10,
"DisplayScale": 2,
"Color": [ 255, 0, 0 ]
"RemovePickupDisableOnMultiUse": true, // If true will allow structures that have their pickup disabled when using them (like teleporters)
"EnablePickupPrevention": false, // If true will prevent pickup for the structures in the array below
"PickupPreventionStructures": [ // Structure paths (PrimalItem paths accepted) to enable pickup prevention
"PickupDisabledNotification": { // Notification to send when pickup is prevented
"Message": "This structure pickup has been disabled",
"DisplayTime": 10,
"DisplayScale": 2,
"Color": [ 0, 0, 0 ] // In RBG format
"PullSystem": {
"Enabled": true, // enable/disable pulling system
"PullRadius": 30, // pull radius in foundations
"Pull_Cooldown_In_Seconds": 1, // cooldown to apply after pulling/distributing. Uses seconds
"PullFromDinos": false, // if enabled will also look into dinos for pulling resources
"UseWildcardsForSearching": false, // Use the wildcards system instead of a simple "Contains" for pull and distribute.
"ExcludeItems": [ // exclude items from being pulled to/from a structure
"ExcludeStructuresToPullFROM": [ // exclude certain structures to grab resources from them when pulling
"ExcludeFromPullingTO": [ //exclude certain structures to pull resources to them
"BlacklistedPlayers_SteamID": [ // steamid64 of players that wont be able to use pull system
"ExcludedPullItemTypes": [ 2, 1, 6 ], // This will exclude specific item types to be pulled, for example to prevent pulling weapons / armor / saddles that have quality, and would be reset to primitive if pulled. Item types numbers are listed in some of the options in this file.
"Messages": {
"Sender": "VanillaModifier",
"Usage": "/pull structure/inv 'resource name' amount",
"InvNotValid": "The inventory of the structure is not valid",
"BlacklistedStructure": "You cannot pull to this structure because it has been blacklisted.",
"PullToStructureSuccess": "Pulled {0} of {1} to the structure's inventory",
"PullToInvSuccess": "Pulled {0} of {1} to your inventory",
"NotEnoughResources": "There are not enough resources suitable for this structure",
"PullError": "Could not pull",
"CoolDown": "You must wait {} seconds to pull again",
"UserBlacklisted": "You are blacklisted from pull system by server administrator",
"OverMaxSlots": "Amount exceeds structure's max inventory items'"
"DistributeCmd": {
"Enabled": true, // if trur will enable /dist command for resource distributing
"Radius": 10, // radius to check for structures to distribute. In foundations
"Blacklisted_Structures": [ // structures that won't be counted for distribution. PrimalItemStructure paths accepted.
"Messages": {
"Sender": "Distribute",
"Not_Enabled": "Distribute command is not enabled",
"NoStructures": "No structures were found in range",
"Usage": "/dist 'structures to distribute' 'resource name''",
"NothingFound": "Nothing could be found for distributing",
"DistributedSuccesfully": "Succesfully distributed resources",
"NotSuitableIntoInventory": "Some items were not allowed in remove inventory, they were given to you."
"Collision": {
"Enable_Per_Structure_Collision": false, // if true will enable vanilla collision check for individual structures
"Refund_Structures": false, // If false players won't get structures that are obstructed back into their inventory. Mainly to prevent duping structures.
"EnableCollisionForStructures": [ // structures to enable collision to. PrimalItemStructure paths accepted.
"Messages": {
"Obstructed": {
"Message": "Is obstructed", // Message to send when player tries to place a structure and it's obstructed
"DisplayScale": 2,
"DisplayTime": 5
"BedSettings": { // Section to control bed spawn cooldown
"Global": { // If present, it will affect all bed types
"UseFixedSpawnTime": false, // If true "FixedSpawnSeconds" will be used, instead of choosing between a min/max
"FixedSpawnSeconds": 300, // Seconds of cooldown. Only used it the above setting is true.
"MinRespawnTimer": 10, // Min spawn cooldown. Not used if "UseFixedSpawnTime" is true
"MaxRespawnTimer": 300 // Max spawn cooldown. Not used if "UseFixedSpawnTime" is true
"Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Misc/PrimalItemStructure_Bed_Simple.PrimalItemStructure_Bed_Simple'": { // Bp path for the structure / item used to place the bed
"UseFixedSpawnTime": false,
"FixedSpawnSeconds": 300,
"MinRespawnTimer": 10,
"MaxRespawnTimer": 300
"InfiniteWater": true, // if true water reservoirs will be always irrigated and thus having infinite water source
"Commands": { // modify commands if you wish to
"PullCmd": "/pull",
"DistributeCmd": "/dist",
"AutocraftCmd": "/autocraft",
"PullWords": { // Words used for pulling to inventory/structure
"Inventory": "inv", // used for pulling to inventory, ex: /pull inv 'wood' 100
"Structure": "structure", // used for pulling to aimed structure, ex: /pull structure 'wood' 100,
"All": "all" // used for pull quantity, ex: /pull inv 'wood' all
"DinoControl": {
"Carno_Character_BP": { // Class of the dino, can be partial names or full blueprint path matches
"Breeding": {
"MinBreedingTimer": 1, // Min breeding timer
"MaxBreedingTimer": 5, // Max breeding timer
"IsIntervalInHours": false, // If true intervals above will be treated as hours, if false they will be treated as minutes
"PreventBreeding": false // If true the dino won't breed
"Mutation": {
"MutationChance": 0.025, // Modify mutation chance, 0.025 = 2.5% which is vanilla value (each mutation roll has a 2.5% chance to give a mutation)
"NumMutations": 1, // Number of stat points to give when the chance is successful
"RandomMutationRolls": 3 // Max number of mutations a single dino can obtain. 3 is vanilla, with this config there will be 3 times the mutation chance will be evaluated, if successfull it will give mutation up to 3 mutations
"Riding": {
"PreventRiding": false, // If true dino won't be breedable
"MinPlayerLevelToRide": 50, // If level > 0 the player level will be checked, and won't be allowed to ride if below that level
"RequirePermissionToRide": "CarnoRide", // If config is "" it won't be checked, else it will check if player has permission to ride. NOTE: This refers to a permission in a group, NOT A GROUP NAME
"Messages": {
"CannotRide": "You cannot ride this dino",
"CannotRideLevel": "You cannot ride this dino. You need to be at least level {}",
"CannotRidePermission": "You don't have permission to ride this dino"
"Global": {
"Mutation": {
"MutationChance": 0.025, // Modify mutation chance, 0.025 = 2.5% which is vanilla value (each mutation roll has a 2.5% chance to give a mutation)
"NumMutations": 1, // Number of stat points to give when the chance is successful
"RandomMutationRolls": 3 // Max number of mutations a single dino can obtain. 3 is vanilla, with this config there will be 3 times the mutation chance will be evaluated, if successfull it will give mutation up to 3 mutations
"AutoDoors": { // auto doors (like S+ mod, they open when a player walks by)
"Enabled": true, // if doors should be automatic
"DefaultMode": 0, // Default door mode. 0: Auto open/close | 1: Auto close | 2: auto open | -1: vanilla doors
"PermissionToUse": "AutoDoors.Use", // Permission needed to use doors, note: it's permission NAME, not GROUP. If not used the line can be removed, or set to ""
"DoorRangeFoundations": 1, // how many foundations range to detect players
"CheckIntervalMilliseconds": 0, // how often to check for door open/close
"AutoOpenCloseCommand": "/autoopenclose", // command that player can use to make the door auto open and close (default option)
"AutoCloseCommand": "/autoclose", // command that player can use to make the door auto close ONLY
"AutoOpenCommand": "/autoopen", // command that player can use to make the door auto open ONLY
"OffAutoDoor": "/offautodoor", // command that player can use to make the door behave like vanilla (not auto door)
// the auto door settings save between game sessions, so players won't need to do it every time the server restarts
"Messages": {
"Successful": "Mode enabled successfully!",
"Disabled": "Auto door disabled successfully!",
"NoDoor": "No door found in sight"
"CryoCooldown": { // modify cooldown of cryo sickness
"DefaultCooldown": 300, // default cryo sickness for everyone
"Groups": { // individual cooldown seconds per permission group
"Admins": 0
Prior purchasing you need to have joined our discord server (https://discord.gg/rW5wGFd), once you have bought the plugin via our store (https://store.pelayori.com) your plugin roles will be granted and you will gain access to the plugin's download.
After download, install in your server and write in the config the account key that you have received via email and by discord direct message from our bot. The plugin will auto register your license once you start a server with the plugin installed!
We will offer support for any matter related to the plugin in our support discord server.
One license is limited to one physical server, meaning that multiple ark servers running on the same machine would only need 1 license.
If for some reason your HWID changes at any time, you can use our Auth Bot to manage all your licenses