Discord RCON bot with Cluster fonctionalities !


New member
Come join me on discord to get the bot ! https://discord.gg/7VRVTCMsBq

The bot price is listed at 10$ USD.

You can pay via Paypal : https://www.paypal.com/ncp/payment/FWRW8Y28J3QPJ
After purchasing your licence, send me a message to get your licence key !

Main fonctionnalities :

  • Kick-Me command
  • Cluster management
  • Send Rcon Commands with only the name of your server ! pretty quick !
  • Link system to get your players infos

Setup guide
Follow these steps to set up the Discord RCON Bot:
Invite the bot to your Discord server using the Install Link.
Configure the bot using the provided commands.
Link your licence by using the command : /add_licence

After adding you licence,
Server owners should use /Permission_Add to grant admin roles access to bot commands.
Admins can check their permissions with /Permission_Check.

Connecting your servers

  • Use /connect to add servers for RCON commands.
  • View connected servers with /list_Connected.
  • Remove a server using /disconnect if needed.

Using RCON Commands
Send commands to individual servers with /send_rcon_command.

Managing Clusters

  • Create or add to clusters using /add_cluster.
  • Remove clusters or servers from clusters with /remove_cluster and /remove_server_in_cluster.
  • List all clusters and their servers using /list_cluster.
  • Send RCON commands to all servers in a cluster with /cluster_rcon.

Player management

  • View all linked players using /player_list.
  • Clear the player list with /clear_player_list if necessary.

User commands (Available to all)

  • Players can link their game account to Discord using /link.
  • Linked players can kick themselves from the game using /Kick_Me.

If commands aren't working, check permissions with /Permission_Check.
Or, make sure you have a valide licence.

Remember to use these commands responsibly and in accordance with your server rules.
Future plans

I am excited to announce that i started working on a new bot for Ark Survival Ascended it is gonna be a "Bot Shop". the purpose of the bot will be to allow server owners to monetize their server.
The most anticipated feature of the bot will be to let the user import his own shop config inside of the bot. After importing the config file the bot will instantly create the shop in your discord.
There is still no release date annouced. Stay tuned for updates!


Upcoming features

  • Integration with Other Platforms: Support for additional game server platforms and services.
  • kick me command working on ASE
  • Link command giving the steam id of a player on ASE
  • And more regarding of the community suggestions !

Community highlight
We love to see how our community is using the Discord RCON Bot! Here are some highlights:

Idea from the community: A big thank you to @miner44 for their valuable feedback and suggestions.
He suggested the Kick Me command and it is now a available command in the bot!