Right.. Where do we Begin. Cryptek himself was helpful, the manager works quite well. BUT, it didn't have 2 Necessary features that a server manager has to have (API Launch Didn't Work, and There was NO Option to set server affinity.)
I requested those features in the discord saying id buy if those features were implemented (I was on my trial version). I was attacked by their fat mod and Cryptek himself. I was just given plenty of excuses why he cant set server affinity "It would be massive server vulnerability" and then said thats something API has to do not a server manager. I explained to them that there was ASE manager and another bot that does it.
I explained that paying premium price, should provide you with some sort of unique features. Then the discord mod dmed me and threatened to ban me.

The mod said that I should go elsewhere and that my money is not needed there.
Anyways such resources shouldn't belong here when even launching a server with API doesn't work, yet its uploaded to an API site.
Thank you for sharing your feedback. I understand the initial concerns around the API launch Issue which has been fixed and server affinity options. I’m pleased to let you know that these features have now been implemented and fully operational.
I worked hard to address these issues and improve the manager based on user input, including yours. The aim has always been to ensure a secure and robust experience, and I apologize if any of our earlier responses came across as dismissive—we value all feedback from our community.
If you have further concerns or suggestions, please feel free to reach out.