ASE ArkShop

Official ASE ArkShop 3.02

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Ark Survival Evolved: Shop, Currency & Kits

Chat Commands:

  • /points - See your current points balance
  • /buy <ID> <Amount> - Buy an item from the shop
  • /trade <'CharacterName'> <Amount> - Sends Amount Points to the character name specified
  • /kit to list all kits, /kit <KitName> to redeem one of them
  • /buykit <KitName> <Amount>. - Buys a kit. To get the contents you must redeem it with /kit kitname
  • /shop <Page>. See different pages of the shop. No page will show first page.
  • /sell <ID> <Amount> - Sell X amount of the item with ID
  • /shopsell <Page> - See what's available to sell. No page will show the first page
  • /shophelp - Custom help message

Console Commands:

  • AddPoints <SteamID> <Amount> - This command allows you to add points to a specific player identified by their SteamID.
  • SetPoints <SteamID> <Amount> - This command allows you to change the current points amount of a player.
  • GetPlayerPoints <SteamID> - This command prints the current points amount of a player.
  • ChangePoints <SteamID> <Amount> - This command adds or decreases points from a player's current amount. The entered amount number can be negative, allowing for a decrease in points.
  • ChangeKitAmount <SteamID> <KitName> <Amount> - This command adds or decreases the number of kits a player has. The entered amount number can be negative, allowing for a decrease in kits.
  • ArkShop.Reload - Reloads a config file for ArkShop.
  • ResetPoints - Resets the points of all players.
  • ResetKits - Resets the kits of all players.
  • ListInvItems - This command lists the blueprint paths of all items in the inventory to the log file.

RCON Commands:

  • AddPoints <SteamID> <Amount> - This command adds a specified amount of points to a player's account.
  • GetPlayerPoints <SteamID> - By using this command, you can check the amount of points a player has.
  • SetPoints <SteamID> <Amount> - This command lets you set the points amount for a specific player.
  • ChangePoints <SteamID> <Amount> - This command works the same way as the console command, allowing you to change a player's points amount.
  • ChangeKitAmount <SteamID> <KitName> <Amount> - This command adds or decreases the number of kits a player has. You can enter a negative amount to decrease the kit count.
  • ArkShop.Reload -This command is used to reload a configuration file.

 "Mysql": {
  "UseMysql": false,
  "MysqlHost": "localhost",
  "MysqlUser": "apitest",
  "MysqlPass": "12345",
  "MysqlDB": "apitest",
  "MysqlPort": 3306
 "General": {
  "Discord": { //Used for discord Logging
   "Enabled": false,
   "SenderName": "ArkShop",
   "URL": "" //Webhook for discord channel
  "TimedPointsReward": {
   "Enabled": true, //If true player will receive points based on how much time they play for
   "StackRewards": false, //If true player will receive the sum of all the rewards of the groups he's in.
   "Interval": 30,
   "Groups": {
    "Donator-Diamond": { //Permission group name
     "Amount": 40
    "Donator-Platinum": { //Permission group name
     "Amount": 40
    "Donator-Gold": { //Permission group name
     "Amount": 40
    "Verified": { //Permission group name
     "Amount": 30
    "Default": { //Permission group name
     "Amount": 20
  "GiveDinosInCryopods": true, //provides dinos from the /buy command in cryopods or soul traps (if UseSoulTraps is true)
  "UseSoulTraps": false, //Use Dino Storage V2 Mod Soul Traps instead of Vanilla Cyropods
  "CryoLimitedTime": false, //Sets a 60 minute expire time
  "CryoItemPath": "", //ONLY USE IF YOU ARE USING CUSTOM VANILLA CRYOPODS Leave blank otherwise (data structure the mod uses must be identical)
  "ItemsPerPage": 25,
  "ShopDisplayTime": 5,
  "ShopTextSize": 1,
  "DbPathOverride": "",
  "DefaultKit": ""
 "Kits": {
  "starter": {
   "DefaultAmount": 2,
   "Price": 90,
   "Description": "Starter kit (carno with saddle)",
   "OnlyFromSpawn": true,
   "Items": [
     "Amount": 1,
     "Quality": 0,
     "ForceBlueprint": false,
     "Armor": 80, //This will force the saddle to have 80 Armor value
     "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/Saddles/PrimalItemArmor_CarnoSaddle.PrimalItemArmor_CarnoSaddle'"
   "Dinos": [
     "Level": 10,
     "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Carno/Carno_Character_BP.Carno_Character_BP'"
  "vip": {
   "DefaultAmount": 1,
   "Description": "Vip kit for premiums (ptero)",
   "Permissions": "Admins,Premiums",
   "Dinos": [
     "Level": 20,
     "Neutered": true,
     "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Ptero/Ptero_Character_BP.Ptero_Character_BP'"
   "Commands": [
     "Command": "GiveEngrams",
     "DisplayAs": "Gives you all engram unlocks" //Only used in the Shop UI to display instead of the command itself
  "tools": {
   "DefaultAmount": 3,
   "Price": 50,
   "MinLevel": 1,
   "MaxLevel": 20,
   "Description": "Tools kit (pike and club)",
   "Items": [
     "Amount": 1,
     "Quality": 0,
     "Damage": 300, //this will force the pike to have 300% damage
     "ForceBlueprint": false,
     "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItem_WeaponPike.PrimalItem_WeaponPike'"
     "Amount": 1,
     "Quality": 0,
     "Durability": 300, //this will force the Club to have 300 durability
     "ForceBlueprint": false,
     "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItem_WeaponStoneClub.PrimalItem_WeaponStoneClub'"
 "ShopItems": {
  "ingots100": {
   "Type": "item",
   "Description": "Metal Ingot (100x)",
   "Price": 15,
   "Items": [
     "Quality": 0,
     "ForceBlueprint": false,
     "Amount": 100,
     "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_MetalIngot.PrimalItemResource_MetalIngot'"
  "tools": {
   "Type": "item",
   "Description": "Tools (Metal Hatchet, Metal Pick)",
   "Price": 5,
   "Items": [
     "Quality": 0,
     "ForceBlueprint": false,
     "Amount": 1,
     "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItem_WeaponMetalHatchet.PrimalItem_WeaponMetalHatchet'"
     "Quality": 0,
     "ForceBlueprint": false,
     "Amount": 1,
     "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItem_WeaponMetalPick.PrimalItem_WeaponMetalPick'"
  "para": {
   "Type": "dino",
   "Description": "Parasaurolophus",
   "Level": 10,
   "Price": 20,
   "MinLevel": 10,
   "MaxLevel": 15,
   "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Para/Para_Character_BP.Para_Character_BP'"
  "carno": {
   "Type": "dino",
   "Description": "Male Carnotaurus",
   "Level": 15,
   "Price": 50,
   "Neutered": true,
   "Gender": "male", //Give male dino
   "SaddleBlueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/Saddles/PrimalItemArmor_CarnoSaddle.PrimalItemArmor_CarnoSaddle'",
   "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Carno/Carno_Character_BP.Carno_Character_BP'"
  "carno2": {
   "Type": "dino",
   "Description": "Female Carnotaurus",
   "Level": 15,
   "Price": 50,
   "Neutered": true,
   "Gender": "female", //Give female dino
   "SaddleBlueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/Saddles/PrimalItemArmor_CarnoSaddle.PrimalItemArmor_CarnoSaddle'",
   "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Carno/Carno_Character_BP.Carno_Character_BP'"
  "carno3": {
   "Type": "dino",
   "Description": "Random Gender Carnotaurus",
   "Level": 15,
   "Price": 50,
   "Neutered": true,
   "Gender": "random", //Give random gender dino (this can be removed to also produce a random gender)
   "SaddleBlueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/Saddles/PrimalItemArmor_CarnoSaddle.PrimalItemArmor_CarnoSaddle'",
   "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Carno/Carno_Character_BP.Carno_Character_BP'"
  "crate25": {
   "Type": "beacon",
   "Description": "SupplyCrate Lvl 25",
   "Price": 100,
   "ClassName": "SupplyCrate_Level25_Double_C"
  "crate2": {
   "Type": "beacon",
   "Description": "Artifact Crate 2",
   "Price": 100,
   "ClassName": "ArtifactCrate_2_C"
  "exp1000": {
   "Type": "experience",
   "Description": "1000 points of experience",
   "GiveToDino": false,
   "Price": 55,
   "Amount": 1000.0
  "tekengram": {
   "Type": "unlockengram",
   "Description": "Engram TEK Boots & Gloves",
   "Price": 20,
   "Items": [
     "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/TEK/PrimalItemArmor_TekBoots.PrimalItemArmor_TekBoots'"
     "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/TEK/PrimalItemArmor_TekGloves.PrimalItemArmor_TekGloves'"
  "allengrams": {
   "Type": "command",
   "Description": "All engrams",
   "Price": 1000,
   "Items": [
     "Command": "GiveEngrams",
     "DisplayAs": "Gives you all engram unlocks" //Only used in the Shop UI to display instead of the command itself
 "SellItems": {
  "metal": {
   "Type": "item",
   "Description": "100x stone",
   "Price": 10,
   "Amount": 100,
   "Blueprint": "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Stack50/Resources/PrimalItemResource_Stone_Child.PrimalItemResource_Stone_Child'"
 "Messages": {
  "Sender": "ArkShop",
  "BoughtItem": "<RichColor Color=\"0, 1, 0, 1\">You have successfully bought item</>",
  "BoughtDino": "<RichColor Color=\"0, 1, 0, 1\">You have successfully bought dino</>",
  "BoughtBeacon": "<RichColor Color=\"0, 1, 0, 1\">You have successfully bought beacon</>",
  "BoughtExp": "<RichColor Color=\"0, 1, 0, 1\">You have successfully bought experience</>",
  "ReceivedPoints": "<RichColor Color=\"1, 1, 0, 1\">You have received {0} points! (total: {1})</>",
  "HavePoints": "You have {0} points",
  "NoPoints": "<RichColor Color=\"1, 0, 0, 1\">You don't have enough points</>",
  "WrongId": "<RichColor Color=\"1, 0, 0, 1\">Wrong id</>",
  "NoPermissionsKit": "<RichColor Color=\"1, 0, 0, 1\">You don't have permission to use this kit</>",
  "CantBuyKit": "<RichColor Color=\"1, 0, 0, 1\">You can't buy this kit</>",
  "BoughtKit": "<RichColor Color=\"0, 1, 0, 1\">You have successfully bought {0} kit</>",
  "AvailableKits": "Available kits for you:",
  "NoKits": "No available kits",
  "KitsLeft": "You have {0} {1} kits left",
  "NoKitsLeft": "You don't have {0} kits left",
  "CantGivePoints": "<RichColor Color=\"1, 0, 0, 1\">You can't give points to yourself</>",
  "RidingDino": "<RichColor Color=\"1, 0, 0, 1\">You can't buy this item while riding a dino</>",
  "SentPoints": "<RichColor Color=\"0, 1, 0, 1\">You have successfully sent {0} points to {1}</>",
  "GotPoints": "You have received {0} points from {1}",
  "NoPlayer": "<RichColor Color=\"1, 0, 0, 1\">Player doesn't exist</>",
  "FoundMorePlayers": "<RichColor Color=\"1, 0, 0, 1\">Found more than one player with the given name</>",
  "BuyUsage": "Usage: /buy id amount",
  "ShopUsage": "Usage: /shop page",
  "KitUsage": "Usage: /kit KitName",
  "BuyKitUsage": "Usage: /BuyKit KitName amount",
  "TradeUsage": "Usage: /trade 'Player Name' amount",
  "PointsCmd": "/points",
  "TradeCmd": "/trade",
  "BuyCmd": "/buy",
  "ShopCmd": "/shop",
  "KitCmd": "/kit",
  "BuyKitCmd": "/buykit",
  "SellCmd": "/sell",
  "ShopSellCmd": "/shopsell",
  "SellUsage": "Usage: /sell id amount",
  "NotEnoughItems": "<RichColor Color=\"1, 0, 0, 1\">You don't have enough items ({0}/{1})</>",
  "SoldItems": "<RichColor Color=\"0, 1, 0, 1\">You have successfully sold items</>",
  "BadLevel": "<RichColor Color=\"1, 0, 0, 1\">Required level: {0} - {1}</>",
  "KitsListPrice": "Price: {0}",
  "KitsListFormat": "\"{0}\" - {1}. {2} left. {3}\n",
  "StoreListDino": "{0}) {1}. Level: {2}. Id: {3}. Price: {4}\n",
  "StoreListItem": "{0}) {1}. Id: {2}. Price: {3}\n",
  "StoreListFormat": "{0}",
  "OnlyOnSpawnKit": "This kit can be used only on spawn",
  "HelpCmd": "/shophelp",
  "ShopMessage": "Usage: /buy id amount",
  "HelpMessage": "This is shop help message",
  "RefundError": "Points refunded due to an error",
  "ShopFindCmd": "/shopfind",
  "ShopFindUsage": "Usage: /shopfind searchterm",
  "ShopFindNotFound": "No items matched your search",
  "ShopFindTooManyResults": "Too many results to display refine your search term",
  "NoPermissionsStore": "<RichColor Color=\"1, 0, 0, 1\">You don't have permission to buy this {0}!</>",
  "InventoryIsFull": "<RichColor Color=\"1, 0, 0, 1\">Unable to redeem your kit, inventory full!</>"


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