Lethal Login

Paid Lethal Login 1.10 Beta 2

No permission to buy ($29.99)
This resource is paid, and requires to be purchased

Reviews 5.00 star(s) 8 reviews

A very good plugin to manage connections to servers, a ban system common to the entire cluster, and the "Exclusive Join" function for a permission group is really great! Great work, thanks Lethal.
This plugin has been brilliant for us to manage the map access and allows us to keep out people who shouldn’t be there haha
Support for problems with lethal 10/10
Personal Opinion
A must have on PVE and PVP with its banning functionality and allowing only 1 character per id fixes so many issues when it comes to duping and characters complaining about oops i accidentally deleted my player. Love the latest feature addon being able to Permission lock a map so only specific Perms will be allowed to log into that map.. Well done Lethal
Fantastic Plugin that gives a lot of control with how players login/access various maps/servers. Combined with Items Plus you have tons of Customization options available for how players interact with various maps.
My last Lethal plugin, help me in my PvPvE cluster to forget player duping and more
Top plugin with many possibilities