Lethal Login

Paid Lethal Login 1.10 Beta 2

No permission to buy ($29.99)
This resource is paid, and requires to be purchased
Lethal Login v1.10 Beta 2
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Crash prevention change.
All commands now work from Console as well.

(no config changes)
Lethal Login v1.09
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

ARK 43.8 crash fix

(no config changes)
Lethal Login v1.08
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Joining via permissions
Now integrated with Items+ character transfers
Will now block your server transfer in the Items+ Server Browser.

Added ControlMapTransferOrder to allow specifying what maps can be traveled to.
Items+ required for this to work
Will now block your server transfer in the Items+ Server Browser.
  "ControlMapTransferOrder": { //Items+ Only Feature - Control which maps are available for transfer
    "Maps": { //Map Name or ServerKey value (if using the commandline paramater) and the comma separated list of allowed maps you can transfer to //If the map is not listed (or contains a blank list) you can transfer to any map
      //ServerKey value must be used if you are using that commandline parameter
      "ScorchedEarth_WP": [ //Map Name or ServerKey we are transferring from
        "TheIsland_WP", //Map Name or ServerKey we can transfer to
        "Svartalfheim_WP" //Map Name or ServerKey we can transfer to
      "TheIsland_WP": [ //Map Name or ServerKey we are transferring from
        "ScorchedEarth_WP" //Map Name or ServerKey we can transfer to
      "Svartalfheim_WP": [ //Map Name or ServerKey we are transferring from
        //no maps listed so you can transfer to any map

(config change to ControlMapTransferOrder)
Lethal Login v1.07
Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Added additional discord webhooks to allow splitting messages up between multiple channels.
  "Webhook": "", //Discord webhook used for as a fallback if the specific ones are not set // blank will disable this feature if specific webhooks are not set
  "Webhooks": { //Discord webhook to log message types to
    "Commands": "",
    "Bans": "",
    "Disconnections": "",
    "Kicks": "",
    "BanExpirations": "",
    "DupeCharactersAndLogins": ""
(config changes noted above)