Lethal Loot

Paid Lethal Loot 2.08

No permission to buy ($45.00)
This resource is paid, and requires to be purchased
Lethal Loot v2.08
Server API 3.51+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Fixed cluster messaging Unicode text issues.

(no config changes)
Lethal Loot v2.07
Server API 3.51+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Fixed issue with event boxes being placed on top of each other when it should prevent it.

(no config changes)

Lethal Loot v2.06
Server API 3.51+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Added CryoPodExpirationTime
Cryo expiration time is now configurable from 1-24 hours or 0 = default duration.
Opening loot boxes with around 50 slots free will prevent opening and display an error to the player.
Added supporting message:
    "InventoryAlmostFull": {
      "Message": "Your inventory is almost full so your loot box cannot be opened.",
      "Scale": 1.3,
      "DisplayTime": 10.0,
      "Color": "Red"
(config changes in General and Messages)
Lethal Loot v2.05
Server API 3.51+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

LootBoxes will allow up to the maximum slots the structures inventory can handle.
if the structure inventory does not define max items I will default it to be max 300

Added the ability to modify Dino and Beacon inventories:
This will add a loot box from the random list to the existing inventory of a dino/beacon
Using ReplaceInventory: true will remove all original items and add a loot box
  "Dinos": { //Dino Overrides
    "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Achatina/Achatina_Character_BP.Achatina_Character_BP'": { //Dino BP to override and must be the full blueprint path
      "ReplaceInventory": false, //true will replace the inventory of the dino adding one of listed loot boxes //false will add one of listed loot boxes
      "RandomLootBoxes": [ 1, 2, 3 ] //List of loot boxes to choose from randomly to add to the dino inventory //must have at least 1 entry
    "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Gorilla/Gorilla_Character_BP_Easy.Gorilla_Character_BP_Easy'": { //Dino BP to override and must be the full blueprint path
      "ReplaceInventory": false, //true will replace the inventory of the dino adding one of listed loot boxes //false will add one of listed loot boxes
      "RandomLootBoxes": [ 1, 2, 3 ] //List of loot boxes to choose from randomly to add to the dino inventory //must have at least 1 entry
  "Beacons": { //Beacon Overrides
    "SupplyCrate_Cave_QualityTier1": { //Beacon spawn BP to override (remove the "_C" from the end of the BP name) //cheat summon SupplyCrate_Cave_QualityTier1_C
      "ReplaceInventory": true, //true will replace the inventory of the beacon adding one of listed loot boxes //false will add one of listed loot boxes
      "RandomLootBoxes": [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] //List of loot boxes to choose from randomly to add to the beacon inventory //must have at least 1 entry
Here is a list of all the Beacon's <https://ark.wiki.gg/wiki/Beacon_IDs>

Fixed discord formatting for experience to remove empty brackets.
Added 2 new settings for EventBoxes:
    "MaxPerServer": 0, //number of event boxes allowed to be spawned per server //0 = no maximum per server
    "PreventStacking": false, //true will prevent event boxes from spawning on top of each other //false will allow event boxes to spawn on top of each other
Added new Rcon Command
LethalLoot.GivePermissionBox <BoxID> <PermissionGroup>
Example: LethalLoot.GivePermissionBox 2 Default

Fixed issue with Flyer dino stats rolling random points into speed which are wasted and cause dinos to come out lower than expected. Flyers stats with SpeedMultiplierMin and SpeedMultiplierMax set to 0 will not waste points into the speed stat.

Added new option to lootboxes.
"DisallowedPermissionGroups": "VIP2", //These groups are blocked from opening this reward //leave blank to allow all groups or do not include this line (does not work for event boxes)
Added the ability to give command rewards for Event Boxes:
This will generate an item in the box which can be dropped/traded/stored by players.
The player that consumes the item is provided the command reward.
  "Type": "command", //reward type
  "Name": "1000 Shop Points", //Putting a name will display this instead of the raw command executed
  "Description": "Consume for 1000 Shop Points", //This is only used for commands that are rewarded from Event Boxes using on a normal lootbox command will not display this
  "Command": "addpoints {steamid} 1000", //command executed supports {steamid}
Added EventCommandBP to EventBoxes
This is the item blueprint to represent the item which awards the player upon consuming it:
"EventCommandBP": "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Consumables/BaseBPs/PrimalItemConsumable_Fertilizer_Base.PrimalItemConsumable_Fertilizer_Base'", //Must be a NON-Stackable Consumable Item ONLY (Cannot be a Note)
Updated dino stats to prevent rolling points into stats that are not used by the dino.

(config changes to EventBoxes section added Dinos and Beacons)