Lethal Sightings Ascended

Paid Lethal Sightings Ascended 1.08

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Lethal Sightings - Spawn Special Rare Dinos and Special Rewards
Killing provides special loot that you can specify from a loot list in the config
Taming provides potentially powerful dinos with color mutations and higher stats

Rare Dinos
Set max rares allowed at one time (applies to Super Rare also)
Set graphical effect to make them stand out (removed when tamed)
Set custom level range for rare dinos
Set how often they try to spawn
Set Random Names (optional)
Set Random Colors (optional)
Prevent Taming (optional)
Only dinos you specify will become Super Rare or Rare
Unable to be carried by a Dino or Skiff until after it is tamed.

Super Rare Dinos
These features are in addition to the other dino settings
Set custom level range much higher
Set spawn chance (default 5% 1 out of 20 Rares)
Set graphical effect to make them stand out
Not Tamable

Super/Rare Announcements
Dino and location on spawn but the exact location is not given
Dino was tamed (only for rares)
Dino was killed by players
Dino was killed by wild dinos/environment

Super/Rare Reward Features (when dino is killed only)
Spawns a custom supply drop or can be given to killer directly
Set Min/Max rewards to give
Set the type of supply crate (sky, cave, underwater) sky will maybe spark pvp for the reward crate loot
Set the Loot pool available (I have included many items by default with various Quality)
Super Rare and Rare have their own reward settings

RCON Commands
lethalsightingsascended.reload - reloads plugin config
lethalsightingsascended.ForceSpawn - force spawns a rare dino the command needs 10 seconds between uses
lethalsightingsascended.DinoClear - Removes all Rare/Super Rares from the map
lethalsightingsascended.DinoList - Lists rare dinos
lethalsightingsascended.chances - Outputs the % chance for each dino that is allowed on that map to the API log

Console Commands
lethalsightingsascended.reload - reloads plugin config
lethalsightingsascended.ForceSpawn - force spawns a rare dino the command needs 10 seconds between uses

Admin Chat Command
List Rare Dinos /rarelist configurable (Lists all rare spawns on the server)
Teleport to Rare Dino /rareteleport configurable (usage /rareteleport #) (Allows teleporting to a rare spawn)
Clear All Rare Dinos /rareclear configurable (removes all rares spawns from the map)
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 5 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. 1.08

    Lethal Sightings Ascended v1.08 Server API 1.16+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files...
  2. 1.07

    Lethal Sightings Ascended v1.07 Server API 1.12+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files...
  3. 1.06

    Lethal Sightings Ascended v1.06 Server API 1.12+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files...

Latest reviews

Our whole cluster loves this mod with the extra dinos they can catch just who ever gets there first is the challenge. Also love the fact it notifies accrocs the cluster and in discord.
Awesome plugin adding some extra "keep players interested" features. Players seem to like hunting the Rares and Super Rares, as for loot. make life interesting and lock some items behind crafting items you can only get from Rares and Super Rares. Players will fight for the right to their Rare
This Plugin is super great to give something for Players to work on in-between everything else. I love that you can add buffs to this as well as determine specific stats to make things even more interesting for Players. Furthermore everything is super customizable, giving admins the ability to tailor the experience to their server's dynamic.
Great idea great plugin to give players fun with a lot of possibilitys using lethal loot too
Top plugin with many possibilities