World PVP and Raid PVP independent settings
RCON/Console Command
World PVP timer is based on a cooldown system like Lethal ORP. If you set the "FlagRemovedAfter": 2 then you will need to not have any PVP for 2 minutes before the timer will fall off. Each additional PVP action will reset the timer back to 2 minutes.
World PvP will only apply its restrictions. (Affects only you)
Raid PvP will apply World and Raid restrictions. (Affects the whole tribe)
"RaidPvPBlocked" settings require using Lethal ORP v1.31+ for raid detection
RCON/Console Command
World PVP timer is based on a cooldown system like Lethal ORP. If you set the "FlagRemovedAfter": 2 then you will need to not have any PVP for 2 minutes before the timer will fall off. Each additional PVP action will reset the timer back to 2 minutes.
World PvP will only apply its restrictions. (Affects only you)
Raid PvP will apply World and Raid restrictions. (Affects the whole tribe)
"RaidPvPBlocked" settings require using Lethal ORP v1.31+ for raid detection