Lethal Quests Ascended

Paid Lethal Quests Ascended 1.26

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Advanced Stat Tracker, Questing System including Daily/Weekly and Customizable Reward System
Create quest chains using the built-in and custom stats you create.
Create daily and weekly quest variations
Track 100's of statistics using the custom tracking system.
Discord bot is available for leaderboard type display and personal player stats (open source no support provided)
See below for more details and settings.

Important Plugin Requirements
MySQL 8.0 or MariaDB (recommended) - Plugin heavily uses threading and database calls.
I highly recommend a local database be used not a remote database on a different network
This plugin does not support loading/unloading while the server is running.

Player Chat Command - Configurable
/stats - command to check their stats (see DynamicStats for what is shown to the player)
/rewards - command used to claim rewards from completed quests if "AutoClaimRewards": false
/quests - command to get a list of active quests
/quest <id> - command to get details of a specific quest using the quest id
/completed - command to list of completed quests (not daily/weekly)
/linkstats - command to generate a code the player will type in discord to link steamid to discord bot (/LQ register {code})

RCON/Console Commands
LethalQuestsAscended.wipedaily - Clears all players daily quests
LethalQuestsAscended.wipedaily {eos_id} - Clears a specific players daily quest (works in arkshop)
LethalQuestsAscended.wipeweekly - Clears all players weekly quests
LethalQuestsAscended.wipeweekly {eos_id} - Clears a specific players weekly quest (works in arkshop)
LethalQuestsAscended.resetqueststat {eos_id} StatNameHere - Changes a tracked stat back to 0

Built in tracking
RareTamedDinos (Lethal Sightings)
RareDinoKills (Lethal Sightings)
SuperRareDinoKills (Lethal Sightings)
ServerEventsCompleted (Server Events)
Future Support - MissionsCompleted
Future Support - MissionsFailed
Future Support - BlueOSD
Future Support - YellowOSD
Future Support - RedOSD
Future Support - PurpleOSD
Future Support - PurpleOSDWaves (highest completed)
Future Support - ElementNodeEasy
Future Support - ElementNodeMedium
Future Support - ElementNodeHard

Custom Tracking System
Build your advanced tracking however you want using the following 4 types:
Dino Kills
Dino Taming
Crafted Items
You can create roughly 950 custom tracking stats (MySQL column limitation)
You can track groups or single entries.
Note: Adding new custom tracking requires a map restart (adding a blueprint to an existing entry does not require a restart)

Quest System
This system is built using the extensive options available from all of the possible tracking stats.
You can create quest lines that walk players through a specific path of quests that unlock and complete as they progress.
You can create individual quests as well. I have provided around 10 example quests in the commented_config.json
Permissions support is enabled allowing for special quest chains for VIP's
Extensive reward system allowing each quest to have unique rewards you set, random rewards or even use a generic reward set.
Available reward types:
ArkShop Points
Engram Unlocks
Commands (Same as selling commands from ArkShop)
Http Post (special handler if you have expertise to take advantage of it)

Added Permissions integration for the Quests see the commented_config for usage
Any quest missing this setting will get assigned the "Default" permission group
Support for permission group list like "Default,Admin,VIP" etc

Lethal Quests Ascended UI (Crossplay)
Project/Mod ID: 985370
GUS.ini settings:
UiName=Lethal Quests Ascended
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 11 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. 1.26

  2. 1.20

    Lethal Quests Ascended v1.20 Server API 1.15+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files...
  3. 1.18

    Lethal Quests Ascended v1.18 Server API 1.16+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files...

Latest reviews

A lot of possibilities for quests, rewards, a player ranking. You can track almost anything in the game. Very very complete, I recommend it to those who want to bring challenges and new objectives to their server.
Love this plugin, its easy and straightforward, adds great value to the game. Lethal is a great dev, quick response and never treats you with inpatience
Support for problems with lethal 10/10
I couldn't live without this Quest plugin. Many members of our server love how to go on an adventure and this definitely fills the void ! 10/10 and a must buy !
Another amazing Lethal Plugin that gives near unlimited potential for a questing system. So many features are available in this including massive customization to what quests look like as well as tons of customization in their rewards. The UI that comes with it, in the form of a mod, also makes the entire experience more enriched.
Aaaamazing , great Lethal Job that give players a lot of fun goals and the funniest way to get points for example
In an era of Ark riddled with content lulls, this plugin provides server owners a great opportunity to fill that gap. The daily and weekly quests, with a little imagination, have been a big hit for our server. Definitely recommend if you are looking for a plugin to expand on player gameplay activities.
Amazing plugin to get players an additional goal on a server. I love how rewarding you can make this plugin and how many different variations you can come up with for the quests.
Top plugin with many possibilities