Lethal Loot

Lethal Loot [Paid] 2.08

No permission to buy ($45.00)


Staff member
Lethal submitted a new resource:

Lethal Loot - Lootbox/Event System plus Customizable Stats for Items, Dinos and Eggs

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Please read over this before purchasing https://www.lethalplugins.com/FAQ

Optional Mod to add special containers for loot and events

Lethal Loot - Lootbox/Event System plus Customizable Stats for Items, Dinos and Eggs
Spawn custom items or dinos with...

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Lethal updated Lethal Loot with a new update entry:


Lethal Loot v2.05
Server API 3.51+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

LootBoxes will allow up to the maximum slots the structures inventory can handle.
if the structure inventory does not define max items I will default it to be max 300

Added the ability to modify Dino and Beacon inventories:
This will add a loot box from the random list to the existing inventory of a dino/beacon
Using ReplaceInventory: true will remove...

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Lethal updated Lethal Loot with a new update entry:


Lethal Loot v2.07
Server API 3.51+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Fixed issue with event boxes being placed on top of each other when it should prevent it.

(no config changes)

Lethal Loot v2.06
Server API 3.51+ Required and Visual C++ 2022 Runtime Files Required

Added CryoPodExpirationTime
Cryo expiration time is now configurable from 1-24 hours or 0 = default duration.
Opening loot boxes with around...

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