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Lethal Quests Config Editor artificial
An application to bridge the gap between complex JSON configurations and user-friendly GUI for.
ArkShop Config Editor artificial
Paid ArkShop Config Editor 1.4.7 £20.00
Ultimate tool for server admins to create and manage their ArkShop configs.
UI Buttons H
Paid Paid UI Buttons 1.1 $45.00
Modern UI, Customized to YOUR Server Needs. Uses Mod and a Plugin.
Breednator uaca
Remove baby cryosickness
XASM anzety
Bot XASM 1.1.9
Ark:SA + Ark:SE Server manager (Discord Bot
SR's Solo Farm srdev
Make farming for small tribes easier!
AutoBasesAscended Pelayori
Paid AutoBasesAscended 1.07 €34.99
Create & spawn bases with dinos in matter of seconds. Raid challenges, starter bases and more!
DinoController - Balance Breeding / Dino Stats + QOL Commands H
Balance Dinos One By One and Add ALOT of QOL Commands for your players!
AutoBases Pelayori
Paid AutoBases 1.63.2 €24.99
Create & spawn bases with dinos in matter of seconds. Raid challenges, starter bases and more!
Vaultorama uaca
vaults virtual vaults store items transfer offline
ASA: Server API Pelayori
  • Featured
API Framework for ARK: Survival Ascended
Ascended Dino Level Clamp Pelayori
Plugin to control issues with cheaters/hackers spawning dinos with unusual high levels.
NGC-CoreDiscord Kalendell
The core discord bot will allow you to connect to the cluster system to send/receive cluster events
NGC-CoreDiscord Kalendell
The core discord bot will allow you to connect to the cluster system to send/receive cluster events
KalsComms A:SE Kalendell
This plugin facilitates the communication between servers listed in the cluster.json
KalsComms A:SA Kalendell
This plugin facilitates the communication between servers listed in the cluster.json
NGC-Core Plugin A:SE Kalendell
The core plugin lets you use other Next Gen Cluster based plugins on an ARK ASE server
NGC-Core Plugin A:SA Kalendell
The core plugin lets you use other Next Gen Cluster based plugins on an ARK ASA server